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Acts of the General Assembly hitherto unpublished 1694-1698, 1711-1729
Volume 38, Page 48   View pdf image (33K)
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48 Assembly Proceedings, 1694-1728.

C. O. 5,
Vol. 731,

afforesaid, one moyetie thereoff to their Majesties the other half e
to the Vestry of the Parish where such Ordnary shall be kept any
Law statute or usage to the contrary in anywise notwithstanding.
And lastly it is allso hereby Enacted by the Authority afforesaid that
the Justices of the Provinciall Court or the Commissioners of the
respective County Courts shall give this act in charge to the severall
grand Juries as allso to the severall Commissioners of the Respective
Courts & the Majestrates of the said Citty to their severall & respec-
tive Constables to Enquire into the breach of his act & into all dis-
orders committed in the said Ordnaries & present the same if any be to
the severall Courts to be examined & punished according to Law &
that all & every respective act & acts formerly made concerning
Ordnary Keepers are hereby repealled & made void.
And be it further enacted by the Authority afforesaid that no
Ordnary Keeper shall credit any Seaman or freeman unmarried &
not haveing a plantation seated for above the vallue of four hundred
pounds of tobacco or twenty shillings sterling in one year on penalty
of being hereby disabled to recover the same in any Court of Reccord
within this Province.

Acts of May,
1695, ch. 6
by 1695,
ch. 26)

An Act Restraining the frequent Assembleing of Negroes within
this Province.

Whereas this present Gennerall Assembly have taken into their
serious consideracon the evil consequences attending the continual
concourse of Negroes on Sabboth & holy days meeting in great num-
bers having thereby the opportunity of Imbezelling & bartaring away
sundry Goods belonging to their Masters or Owners to the great
damage of such Masters & Owners as afforesaid, as allso of conspire-
ing & proposeing waies & means for the gaining of their liberty &
freedom which must inevitably end in Insurrection to suppress which
would occasion much bloodshed if not impossible ever to be effected,
for the prevention of all which mischiefs & inconveniencies for the
future, Be it Enacted by the King & Queens most Excellent Majes-
ties by & with the advice & Consent of this present gennerall As-
sembly & by & with the Authority of the same that from & after the
publication hereoff no negro slave whatsoever shall presume at any
time to travell to any place of meeting or resort or wander about
from Plantation to Plantation under pretext of visiting, but that
every negro so travelling or wandering shall receive such corporall
punishment as the person or persons finding such negro slave or
slaves transgressing as afforesaid against the true intent & meaning
of this act shall think fitt to impose, not extending to life or member
or otherwaies disableing such negro from performing service with-
out being liable to any action for damages by the Master or Owner

of such negro or negroes brought against such person or persons so

giveing them correction as afforesaid.

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Acts of the General Assembly hitherto unpublished 1694-1698, 1711-1729
Volume 38, Page 48   View pdf image (33K)
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