said Citty of St. Maryes first taken his corporall oath that the per-
ticulers of the afforesaid account are truly rated & according to the
rates & prizes sett & assessed by the Justices impowered thereunto by
Act of Assembly & that the same were sold & delivered by the order
of the said debtor or his appointment. And that Bona fide without
fraud the same Liquor for quallity as in his said account he hath
named & sold the same without any imbasement or mixture other
then what was ordered by the said deptor or his consent, which oath
so taken shall be certified under the hand of such Justice of the Pro-
vinciall or County Court or Allderman of the said Citty before whom
the said Oath shall be taken, & delivered to the said deptor before any
other security be taken, otherwise the said Bills, Bonds, & all other
securities shall be void & a perpetuall barr against the said creditor,
other then the said Booke debt legally charged according to act
of Assembly as afforesaid, for which Certificate they shall pay to the
Clerke the said Justice shall imploy to write the same the Summ of
twelve pence sterling, or twenty pounds of tobacco to be allowed
them again in the said account sworne to against such deptor, which
said debtor shall allso endorse under his hand such Bill bond or
other security given with these words an account delivered before
the passing of this Bill according to act of Assembly; Provided that
this Act shall not hinder such Ordnary keeper from selling for readie
mony within doores or without, any Liquor without any account
given as is by this act prescribed, but may doe the same as he might
have done before the makeing hereoff, any thing in this act to the
Contrary thereoff contained in anywise notwithstanding. And be it
further enacted by the authority afforesaid that no person or persons
inhabiting within this Province not haveing lawfull Lycense, (ex-
cept before excepted) shall sell by retaile any Cyder Quince drink,
or other strong Liquors to be drunk in his or their houses or about
his hir or their plantations upon forfeiture of every time he she or
they shall be legally convict thereoff the sum of one thousand pounds
of tobacco the one halfe thereoff to their Majesties their heirs &
Successors for the support of this government the other halfe to the
Informer or him or them that shall sue for the same to be recovered
in any Court of Reccord within this Province by action of Debt, Bill
plaint or Information wherein no Essoin protection or wager of
Law to be allowed. And be it further Enacted by the Authority
afforesaid by & with the advice & consent afforesaid that no person
or persons whatsoever so lycensed to keep Ordnary as afforesaid shall
refuse to Creditt any person capable of giveing a vote for ellection
of Burgesses in any County within this Province for the vallue of
four hundred pounds of tobacco per annum for any accomodation
by him vended whereof any such person so capacitated as afforesaid
shall have occasion of or require to be accomodated with under the
penalty & forfeiture of four hundred pounds of tobacco to be paid
by such Ordnary Keeper so refuseing to credit such person as
C. O. 5,
Vol. 731,