C. O. 5,
Vol. 731,
& by & with the advice & consent afforesaid that every Ordnary
Keeper or Inholder to be licensed as afforesaid, shall within six
months after granting their respective Lycenses be hereby oblidged
to provide & maintaine if the said Ordnary be kept at the Court house
of the said County, or at the port of Annapolis twelve good substan-
tiall beds over & above what is for their own familyes use with cover-
ing for the same, and if the said ordnary be kept at any other part of
the County then at the Court house afforesaid to provide six good
spare bedds with Coverings at the least, under the penallty of five
thousand pounds of tobacco one half e to their Majesties their heirs
or Successors the other halfe to him or them that shall informe or sue
for the same to be recovered by bill plaint or Information wherein
no Essoine protection or wager of Law to be allowed.
And be it further Enacted by the Authority afforesaid that every
Ordnary Keeper or Inholder so to be lycensed as afforesaid shall
within six months after granting their respective Lycenses be & are
hereby oblidged to provide & maintain accomodacon of Oates hay
& straw for litter & Indian corne together with Stable roome con-
venient & sufficient for twenty horses at the least under the penalty
afforesaid Provided allwaies that no person or persons so Lycensed
or to be Lycensed to keep Ordnaryes as afforesaid shall dureing the
time of such their keeping Ordnary be Justices of the peace nor Com-
missioners in any County Court within this Province nor Mayor
Recorder or Alderman of the said Citty of St. Maries any thing in
this present act to the contrary notwithstanding. And it is further
Enacted by the Authority afforesaid that if any Ordnary keeper
keeping evill Rule in his house uppon complaint made thereoff to the
Justices of the County Court of such Ordnary keepers missbehaviour
of himselfe or of keeping evil rule in his house the said Justices of the
County Courts may & are hereby authorized & Impowered to sup-
press such Ordnary Keeper & call in such Lycence. And be it further
enacted by the Authority afforesaid that any Ordnary Keeper dis-
abled or supprest as afforesaid, or any other person that shall pre-
sume to keep Ordnary without Lycense first had & obtained as affore-
said, (Except as before excepted) shall for every month he or they
shall keep Ordnary as afforesaid, forfeit & pay tenn thousand pounds
of tobacco one halfe to their Majesties & the other halfe to him or
them that shall sue for the same to be recovered in any Court of
Reccord within this Province by Bill plaint or Informacon wherein
no Essoin protection or wager of Law to be allowed.
And be it enacted by the authority afforesaid that from & after the
publication hereoff no Ordnary Keeper within this Province shall
take any Bill bond or other security other then the account charged
in his booke for the Same or recover Judgment in any Court of
Reccord within this Province, for such debt till he hath before one
Justice of the Provinciall or County Court or one Allderman of the