Whereas I have directed and impowered Mr Philemon Lloyd
(among other things relating to my land Affairs) in Compassion to
the Petitioners Seated on the Susquehannah Mannor, By your Joynt
Letter recommended to me, to sell to the said Petitioners the Fee of
such parts of the said manner as they have made Settlements and
Improvements upon, for such fine or fines as he & you shall agree to
take under the said Rents and Covenants as in my other Grants and
Patents are Comprised; And whereas by my former Instructions
directed to your Brother Bennitt Lowe, He was Ordered and Im-
powered to Lease out for three lives any parts of the said manner
under the usuall Fine of forty Shillings and yearly Rent of ten Shill-
ings pr hundred [saving] to us Our heirs and Assigns out of such
Leases all Mines of Gold & Silver & Copper and Tin, And whereas
by my late Instructions you were directed not to proceed in the mak-
ing out any Lease or Leases of my said Mannor, till my further
Order, you are now hereby impowered and Directed to Grant and
make out any Lease or Leases of such part of my said manner of Sus-
quehannah for three lives as my Grandfather hath not Granted or
directed to be Granted Since the forfeiture thereof by Coli George
Talbot, to such person or persons as shall desire the same, on the
usuall Conditions or Fine of forty shillings to be paid at the taking
out of the said Lease or Leases and under the yearly Rent of ten
Shillings with the aforesaid Reservation & such other Conditions and
Provisoes as are Contained in the Leases of any other my Manners,
And such other Conditions as you shall find Expedient. And you are
to send me Yearly a Seperate and Distinct account of all Monys you
shall receive for the Fee of such parts of the said Mannor as shall be
Granted out to any of the Aforementioned Petitioners, And also of
all fines ariseing by your Granting out any Leases of the said Mannor
with the number of Acres therein Contained and to whom Granted.
2 You are hereby Directed and impowered to Grant and Sell to
your Uncle Bennitt Lowe all my Fines in Tobacco arising in the
Several Counties on the Eastern Shoar He allowing and paying three
Shillings pr hundred for what of the said Tobacco shall be paid to