I Having Considered the case of those Proprietors of Land within
my mannor on Choptank River which were Pattented before the said
Mannor was laid out, My Will is that they should Quietly Enjoy
them (as by Law they Ought) without any Interruption or Disturb-
ance whatever And being Desireous that the Proprietors of those
Lands within my said Mannor, which have been Pattented by my
Grandfather, since the Reserve thereof should be Quietted and Con-
firmed in their possessions, I have directed Mr Philemon Lloyd my
Deputy Secretary to Grant them new Pattents, or Patients of Con-
firmation for the same under the Conditions my other Lands are now
Granted, upon your Signifying unto him, that you have received
such a Fine for the Same, as I have herein after Ordered you to
Agree for, But as to that part of the said Mannor which has not
been hitherto Pattented at all, I would have no Grants made thereof,
till my further Order. You are therefore hereby Authorized &
Directed that in Case the Proprietors of the aforesaid Lands which
were Pattented by my Grandfather since the Reserve of the said
Mannor, are willing to pay forty Shillings pr hundred Acres for
what they now hold to accept the same (without taking any Ad-
vantage of their Improvemts) And upon the receipt of the mony you
are to make it known to Mr Lloyd, Who is to Grant them their Pat-
tents accordingly. But in Case the said Proprietors of those Lands
should think forty Shillings p hundred acres too much, and you
and Mr Lloyd should both be of Oppinion that Twenty Shillings is
sufficient you are hereby Authorised and impowered to accept of
Twenty Shillings pr hundred Acres and to proceed accordingly. And
you are to make in your Account a Distinct Article of the Money
Arising thereby.
2 You are hereby directed to give Orders to the Severall Naval
Officers to make up their Accounts Yearly and sign them and send
to my Governor as soon as they have Cleared all the Ships for the
year (over and besides their making them up with you) which I will
direct them to Transmitt to me.
C: B:
p. 8