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Acts of the General Assembly hitherto unpublished 1694-1698, 1711-1729
Volume 38, Page 364   View pdf image (33K)
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364 Assembly Proceedings, 1694-1728.

Liber LL, 5

of two Justices of the Peace of the same County, whom the said
Sheriff is hereby required to Summon at the Request of the said
Thomas Dent at the dwelling Plantation or place of abode of the
said Thomas Dent at some convenient time between the third day of
November next and the tenth day of December next all his reall and
Personall Estate either in Possession Reversion Remainder or in
trust or in or unto which he has any claim or Interest whatsoever
and do likewise betwixt the days aforementioned Convey Assign
transfer and make over unto the Sheriff of the County aforesaid for
the use of his said Creditors all such his Estate Interest or Claim as
aforesaid after such Manner as by the said Sheriff and the Major
Part of the said Creditors or of such of them as shall think fitt to
direct therein or their Councill Learned in the Law shall reasoneably
devise or require at the cost and charges of such Persons as shall
claim the bencfitt thereof so as the said Thomas Dent be not Bur-
thened with any Warrantys thereby other then from himself and his
heirs and those that Claim by from or under him and that the said

p. 35

Thomas Dent at the time of such his Surrender and transferring his
Estate as aforesaid shall take his Solemn Oath before the two Jus-
tices so to be Sumoned as aforesaid to the Effect following. Vide-
licet. I Thomas Dent do Solemnly Swear that the goods debts and
Effects which I have delivered assigned and made over to the
Sheriff of Charles County and in trust for the use of my Creditors
is the whole Estate both reall and Personall of my own in Possession
or have any Title to in the world (Save such Entailed Lands as I
now hold or have any Title to in the right of my wife) and that I have
not any Estate goods or Effects of any kind whatsoever left either
in Possession reversion or Remainder, the necessary wearing apparell
for myself Wife and Children Excepted, and that I have not directly
or indirectly sold Leased or otherways Conveyed disposed of or
Intrusted all or any Part of my Estate thereby to secure the same
to receive or Expect any Profitt or advantage thereof So help
me God. And also that it shall and may be lawfull for the two
Justices aforesaid on application to them made by any of the Cred-
itors of the said Thomas Dent (or of their own mere Motion) to
Summon or call before them Ann the Wife of the said Thomas
Dent (or any Person whatsoever) by them or the Creditors of the
said Thomas Dent suspected to Conceal or be Privy to the Con-
cealment of any Part of his the said Thomas Dents goods or
Effects of any kind whatsoever and them Examine on Oath touch-
ing or concerning such Concealment or Suspicion thereof in the
best manner they can devise in order to obtain a fair and full
Surrender of the same and that in case any such Person shall Refuse
to make such Oath that then the said Justices shall and may Committ
such Person to Prison that shall refuse to make such Oath untill they
shall Comply therewith it shall and may be lawfull for the Sheriff

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Acts of the General Assembly hitherto unpublished 1694-1698, 1711-1729
Volume 38, Page 364   View pdf image (33K)
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