must apply this year towards the Payment of my Levies, the which
Sume of Tobacco aforesaid I will take the best Care I can to Preserve
and be ready to Pay to my Creditors towards the satisfaction of such
debts as aforesaid, or some of them save only such Tobaccoes as hath
been already taken from me by (distress) or (Execution) Provided
that such Persons as have usually made the making Tobacco their
Imployment, and have no Tobacco or not sufficient to Pay their
Leavys and other Public Dues and officers ffees, may at their Election
either Pay Two Pence Currant money per Pound for their whole or
such Part as they cannot Pay in Tobacco or to remain indebted till
next year. According to the Liberty already allowed by this Act.
Liber LL, 5
An Act for the Relief of Thomas Dent of Charles County
Whereas Thomas Dent of Charles County Gentleman by his
humble Petition to this present Generall Assembly hath sett forth
that he has Continued a Prisoner for debt in the Custody of the
Sheriff of the County aforesaid Two years and upwards in Execu-
tion for severall large Sums of money due to some of his Creditors
which though he believes he has sufficient Estate in Lands and
moveables to discharge yet he conceives it would be very unequall
since he has not enough to satisfy all his Debts fully to Pay some
and thereby deprive himself of the means of discharging any Part
of the rest and hath Prayed Leave to bring in a Bill to discharge
his body out of Prison upon Surrendring his whole Estate reall and
Personall to be equally distributed among his Creditors and for that
the truth of the said Petitioners Allegations is made appear to this
generall Assembly by sufficient Testimony and for that the said
Petitioner and his family are fit Objects of Charity and that lying
in Goal can be no Benefitt to his Creditors it is humbly Prayed that
he may be relieved according to his Petition and that it may be
Enacted, and be it Enacted by the right honourable the Lord Pro-
prietor by and with the advice and Consent of his Lordships Gov-
ernour and the upper and lower houses of this Present generall
Assembly and the authority of the same, that unless all or any of the
Creditors of the said Thomas Dent or the attorneys of such Creditor
or Creditors or any of them within this Province within twenty Days
after the end of this Session of Assembly go to the Sheriff of Charles
County in whose Custody the Prisoner aforementioned is detained or
kept in Custody and give good Security to Pay the Imprisonment ffees
at Ten Pounds of Tobacco per day that shall or may become due from
the said Prisoner after the end of the said Twenty days and also to
find the said Thomas Dent Sufficient Meat drink and Cloathing
during his future Imprisonment in case the said Thomas Dent shall
deliver up and Surrender or cause to be delivered up and Surrendred
to the Sheriff of the County in whose Custody he is in the Presence
Acts of 1724,
ch. 20
p. 34