aforesaid after the end of the said Twenty days, and he is hereby
required to discharge the Person of the said Thomas Dent out of his
Custody and to Suffer him to go at large and the person of the said
Thomas Dent so as aforesaid Discharged out of the Custody of the
Sheriff and suffered to go at large shall never any more be lyable
to be taken in Execution for or upon the Account of any debts dues or
demands of what nature so ever that at the time of making this Act
were due from the aforesaid Thomas Dent to any of his Creditors.
Provided always and be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that
notwithstanding the discharge of the Person of the aforesaid Thomas
Dent upon taking the Oath aforesaid all and every Judgment now
had and taken or that shall hereafter be obtained had and taken
against the aforenamed Thomas Dent by any of his Creditors for any
debt or debts now oweing and due from him to any of his Creditors
shall be and stand good and Effectuall in Law to all Intents and Pur-
poses against the Lands Tenements Hereditaments Goods and Chat-
ties that the said Thomas Dent so discharged its aforesaid shall here-
after acquire and come to the Possession of in his own right only
and it shall and may be lawfull to and for the Creditors of the said
Thomas Dent so discharged as aforesaid their Executors Adminis-
trators or assignes to take out any new Execution against the Lands,
Tenements, hereditaments, Goods and Chatties of the aforesaid
Liber LL, 5
Thomas Dent (the wearing apparell for himself Wife and Children
bedding for himself and family with necessary working Tools for
their Occupation or Trade, and what may be necessary for their
Subsistance not Exceeding the Value of Ten Pounds Currant money
only Excepted) for the Satisfaction of his or their said debts in
such sort manner and form as he or they might have done if the
Person of the said Thomas Dent so discharged as afd had never been
taken in Execution any Act Statute or Custom to the Contrary not-
withstanding. And be it further Enacted by the authority aforesaid
by and with the advice and Consent aforesaid that in case the said
Sheriff shall be sued for any matter or thing required of him to be
done by this Act that then the said Sheriff may enter a Common
Appearance without speciall Bail to any such action or actions as
shall be brought against him and Plead thereto the generall Issue
and give this Act or the Exemplification thereof with the speciall
matter ariseing thereon in evidence and that if the Plantiffs com-
mencing or bringing such action or Actions as aforesaid shall be non-
suit, the defendant or defendants shall recover against him or them
double cost of Suit, any Law Statute usage or Custom to the Con-
trary notwithstanding. And be it further Enacted by the authority
advice and Consent aforesaid that the Sheriff aforesaid shall after
such delivery up and Surrender as aforesaid give Publick notice at
the Churches Courthouses and Mills within the said County of some
precise time by him the said Sheriff and the said two Justices to be
p. 36