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Acts of the General Assembly hitherto unpublished 1694-1698, 1711-1729
Volume 38, Page 362   View pdf image (33K)
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362 Assembly Proceedings, 1694-1728.

Liber LL, 5

it shall not be lawfull for any such Sheriff at any time before the
last day of November which shall be in the Year One Thousand
Seven hundred and twenty five to Execute either the Body goods or
Chatties of such debtor for any such Tobacco Debts as aforesaid,
and in Case debtors stand Indebted to severall Creditors and have not

p. 33

Tobacco Sufficient to Pay their whole debts it shall and may be
lawfull for such debtors to apply what Tobacco they have towards
the Paying which of their Creditors or in such Proportions as they
think meet and the remaining Part of all such Tobacco Debts due
from such debtors to their Creditors that are left unpaid such debts
shall be and Continue in the same State and Circumstance as they
were at the time of the debtors taking such Oath or affirmation (if
a Quaker) and where any Action shall be depending or Judgement
recovered such Action shall not be lyable to any discontinuance or
the Creditor be obliged to bring any Scire facias for affirming of
such Judgement during the Continuance of this Act. Provided
nevertheless that if any such debtor as aforementioned during the
Continuance of this Act shall go about to Remove himself and his
Effects out of his Proper County or this Province in order to
defraud his Creditors, if such his Creditors shall make appear before
any one Justice of the Provinciall or County Courts or City Magis-
trate that there is sufficient cause to Suspect that such his debtor
is about to Remove himself and his Effects out of his respective
County or the Province and shall Obtain a Certificate thereof from
such Justice who is hereby required to give the same in all such
Cases it shall and may be lawfull for such Creditor to take Execution
against the Body goods or Chatties of such Debtor and the Sheriffs
are hereby required to Execute such writts unless the Debtor shall
Superseed the same by giving Security Imediately in manner as is
Provided by the Act of Assembly for Stay of Execution after the
tenth day of May untill the tenth of November yearly Any thing
in this Act to the Contrary in any wise notwithstanding. The oath
or affirmation if a Quaker to be taken by all such as are to reap any
Benefitt by this latter Part of this Act is in the words following. I
A. B. do declare that since I knew or heard the Act of Assembly was
made Entituled an Act relieving the Inhabitants of this Province
from some difficulties they may lye under in Paying their Leavys and
other Just Tobacco Debts this Year I have not had nor now have
any Tobacco belonging to me nor any Publick or County allowance
or debts due to me from the Sheriff of this County to discount nor

any debt or debto due to me from any other Person or Persons that I

can now gett to Pay towards such debts as I am Indebted by Judge-
ment or upon Execution or otherwise to any Person Thus far the
Oath if they have no Tobacco but when the case is so that they
have some Tobacco but not sufficient then to add more then about
the quantity of ........ Except such Tobacco as I already have or

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Acts of the General Assembly hitherto unpublished 1694-1698, 1711-1729
Volume 38, Page 362   View pdf image (33K)
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