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Acts of the General Assembly hitherto unpublished 1694-1698, 1711-1729
Volume 38, Page 361   View pdf image (33K)
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Acts. 361

Baltemore County Collonell John Dorsey Master Lancelott Todd
and Master John Stoakes for Somersett County William Stoughton
Esquire Master Robert Martin and Master Thomas Hayward for
Dorchester County Captain Henry Hooper Master William Ennalls
and Master William Evans Junior for Cecill County Collonell
Ephraim Augustine Herman Master Stephen Knight and Master
John Hammond for Prince Georges County Major John Bradford
Master Ralph Crabb and Captain Leonard Holliday for Queen Anns
County Doctor Thomas Godman Master James Gould and Master
Solomon Clayton and the severall and respective Commissioners
aforesaid appointed to Put this Act in Execution shall in order
thereto before some one Justice of the Provinciall or County Court
take the following Oath Viz. I A. B. do Swear that I will well and
faithfully discharge the severall Authorities Comitted to and Dutys
required of me by the Act of Assembly Entituled an Act for relieving
the Inhabitants of this Province from some difficulties they may lye
under in Paying their Levys according to the best of my Skill and
Power So help me God. And be it further Enacted by the authority
advice and Consent afd that the severall Commissioners aforenamed
shall be allowed in their County Levys for every day they shall
attend at their respective County Court Houses, in Putting this Act
in Execution the Sume of Eighty Pounds of Tobacco Per day and
each and every Commissioner aforenamed who shall wilfully refuse
to Serve or Neglect to attend in the due Execution of the severall
Powers, and Authorities given them by this Act shall forfeit and Pay
the Sume of Five Thousand Pounds of Tobacco One half thereof to
be applyed to the use of the Publick Schools in such County where
such fact shall arise the other half to the Informer or him or them
that shall Sue for the same to be recovered in any Court of Record
within this Province by Action of debt Bill Plaint or Information
wherein no Essoyn Protection or Wager of Law shall be allowed.
And whereas it is further represented to and considered by this
Present Session of Assembly that many of the Inhabitants of this
Province that may have a sufficient quantity of Tobacco to Comply
with their Leavys but have not enough to Pay their other Just debts
in Tobacco that may be due from them for which such Debtors are
lyable to be taken in Execution Be it therefore Enacted by the
Authority Advice and Consent aforesaid That all and every the In-
habitants within this Province that are Indebted any Sums of
Tobacco to any Person as aforesaid for which the Creditor has
obtained Judgment or hereafter shall Obtain Judgement in any of
the Courts of Justice within this Province before a Single Magistrate
against such debtors so as they are lyable to be Executed for the
same if such debtor shall Produce a Certificate to the Sheriff of the
County before any one Provinciall or County Justice or City Magis-
trate who is hereby Impowered and required to administer the same

Liber LL, 5

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Acts of the General Assembly hitherto unpublished 1694-1698, 1711-1729
Volume 38, Page 361   View pdf image (33K)
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