Liber LL, 5
Tobacco belonging to me to Pay my Levys nor any Part thereof nor
any Publick or County allowance or debts due to me from the Sheriff
of this County to Discount nor any debt or debts due to me from any
other Person or Persons that I can now gett to Pay the same save
only such Tobacco as hath been already taken from me by (Distress)
(or Execution) Thus far the Oath if they have no Tobacco but when
the Case is so that they have some Tobacco but not Sufficient then
to be added Save only about the quantity of .........pounds of To-
bacco which I will take the best Care I can to Preserve and Pay in
Part of my Leavys when thereunto required, And in Case the Person
Swearing- or Affirming be such as do not usually make Tobacco nor
can Procure it then the same Oath or affirmation to be taken Altering
only the word (Money) instead of Tobacco and the form of the Cer-
tificates from the Justices administring the Oath prescribed as above
shall always be in the words following or to that Effect. Viz. These
are to Certify that this day of Came A. B. before me
and made oath on the holy Evangelists of Almighty God, or if a
Quaker made his Affirmation that since he knew or heard that the
Act of Assembly was made Entituled an Act relieving the Inhabi-
tants of this Province from some difficulties they may lye under in
Paying their Levys. he has not had nor now hath any Tobacco or
money belonging to him to Pay his Leavys nor any Part thereof
nor any Publick or County allowance or debts due to him from the
sheriff of this County to discount nor any debt or debts due to him
from any other Person or Persons or that he can now gett to Pay the
same Save only such Tobacco or money as hath been already taken
from him by Distress or Execution Thus for the Certificate if
they have no Tobacco nor money, but when the case is that they have
some Tobacco or money, but not Sufficient then to be added Save
only about the quantity of Pounds of Tobacco, or Sum of
money which he will take the best Care he can to Preserve and pay
in Part of his Leavys when thereunto required Given under my
hand this day of Anno Domini 172 And be it
Enacted that the several Persons hereafter named be and are hereby
appointed Commissioners for their severall and respective Counties
for the due Execution of the severall trusts and Authorities reposed
in them by this Act Viz. for Saint Marys County Collonell Thomas
Trueman Greenfield Master John Leigh and Master Michael Jenifer
for Kent County Master Abraham Redgrave Master James Smith
Clark of the County Court, and Master Thomas Ringould for Ann
p. 32
Arrundall County, William Lock Esquire John Beale Esqr and
Master Alexander Warfield for Calvert County Collonell John Smith
Major Adderton Skinner, and Master Charles Claggett for Charles
County Captain Joseph Harrison Master George Dent and Master
Charles Somersett Smith for Talbott County Master Daniel Sher-
wood Master William Clayton and Master Phillip Feddeman for