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Acts of the General Assembly hitherto unpublished 1694-1698, 1711-1729
Volume 38, Page 359   View pdf image (33K)
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Acts. 359

much Tobacco as it amounts to and for the better ascertaining and
Direction of the Severall Commissioners and Sheriffs in their duty
in Pursuance of this Act. Be it Enacted that the severall Commis-
sioners to be appointed by this Act are hereby required to give their
attendance at their respective Dwelling houses on the fifth Sixth and
Seventh days of January next to receive all such Certificates, as
have not been Produced to either of them before that time from any
of the Inhabitants of their having taken the Oath or affirmation
aforementioned. And the said Comissioners or any of them together
with the Sheriff of each respective County are hereby required to
meet at their severall County Court Houses on or before the twelfth
day of January next, that is to say between the Seventh and twelfth
of January next by them to be agreed upon where the Sheriff of each
County is required to lay his List of Taxables and the List of the
Publick Claims, together with his Charge of Levys against every
debtor this year and an Account of the Ballances for Levys due to
him last year, as also a true Account of what money he has Received
for Levys, and from whom before the said Comissioners who shall
Proceed to make the Computations in manner following (Viz) first
how much the totall Amount of the Publick County and Parish
Leavy with the fourty p Pole together with the Sheriffs allowances
whether for Sallary or otherwise or for Ballances due to him for
Leavys last year come to for this year and then to Compute what
defalcations are to be made for the Relief of those that Obtain Cer-
tificates and so to deduct the Sume of the defalcations from the Sume

Liber LL, 5

Totall of the Claims as aforesaid, and then to examine without mak-
ing a fraction of a Pound of Tobacco how much p Cent such defal-
cations amount to and the said Commissioners are hereby further
required to Proportion the money such Sheriff shall receive for
Leavys to the severall Claims of the Creditors as aforesaid, and shall
within or not exceeding three days after the said Twelfth day of
January certify to the Sheriff under their hands and Seals a List of
the Sums of Tobacco he shall be obliged to Creditt every debtor for
untill next year, and also how much per Cent he is to deduct from
his own and the other Publick Creditors Claims this year, and Bal-
lances due to him for Levys last year and likewise how much of the
remaining sums according to their due Proportion every such Credi-
tor shall be obliged to Receive from the Sheriff in money Provided
always such Payments in money be made or tendered to the Creditor
by the Sheriff by the twentieth day of february next. The form of
a Oath or affirmation if a Quaker required by this Act to be taken by
debtors for Levys is as follows Viz. I A B do declare that since
I knew or heard that the Act of Assembly was made Intituled an
Act relieving the Inhabitants of this Province from some difficulties
they may lye under in Paying their Levys Officers ffees and other
Countrey Tobacco debts this year I have not had nor now have any

p. 31

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Acts of the General Assembly hitherto unpublished 1694-1698, 1711-1729
Volume 38, Page 359   View pdf image (33K)
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