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Acts of the General Assembly hitherto unpublished 1694-1698, 1711-1729
Volume 38, Page 355   View pdf image (33K)
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Acts.- 355

William Jones for Eight hundred Acres by the name of Waterford
And whereas it is Represented Unto this Assembly by the said
Benjamin Williams John and Mary Cheney afd that thro a great
Charge of Children Great Sickness and Other Misfortunes the said
John and Mary are much Impoverished And no means whereby they
Can hope to be relieved but by the Sale of Part of the Said Eight
hundred Acres which none will buy because the Same is Intailed
Except the said John is Enabled by Law to Sell in ffee Notwith-
standing the Intail afd And whereas this Present Generall Assembly
have taken the Premises into Consideration And have thought it
reasonable to Enable the said John to Sell and Dispose of in ffee
Simple three hundred Acres of the afd Tract notwithstanding the
Deed of Intaile afd
Be it Therefore Enacted by the Right Honrble the Lord Propry
by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordships Governour
and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly and the Authority
of the Same that he the said John Cheney and Mary his wife shall
be Enabled and are hereby Enabled to Make Sale in fee by Deed
or Deeds Indented after the usual and lawfull Manner of Conveying
Land to Any Person or Persons whatsoever a Quantity of the said
Tract not Exceeding three hundred Acres. And be it further
Enacted by the Authority afd that Such Person or Persons as shall
buy by Deed or Deeds Indented as afd shall have as good Estate in
ffee Simple by Vertue of such Sale as if the said John and Mary
were Seized in ffee Simple to them and their heirs for Ever Notwith-
standing the Deed of Intail afd or Any Clause or Article therein
Contained Provided that this Act or Any thing therein Contained
shall not be Construed to make a better Estate to the said John
& Mary or to Any Purchaser or Purchasers Deriveing Under them
by Vertue of this Act than the said Benjamin Williams had at and
before the Enseeling & Delivery of the Deed of Intaile afd Saving
to his most Sacred Majesty his heirs and Successors and to the Right
Honrble the Lord Propry his heirs & Successors and all Bodies
Politick and Corporate and all Others not mentioned in this Act
their Severall and respective Rights.

Liber LL, 5

An Act for the Relief of the Devisees of James Phillips the elder
and Anthony Phillips late of Baltemore County deceased
Whereas it hath been made Appear to this Present generall As-
sembly that James Phillips the Elder late of Baltemore County
deceased made and duly executed his last will and Testament in
Writing and thereby devised and Bequeath'd his reall and Personall

Acts of 1724,
ch. 15
1732, ch. 10)

Estate to his four Children Viz James Phillips his eldest Son Anthony
Phillips Mary and Martha his daughters in manner and form follow-
ing Viz. Unto his Eldest son James Phillips all his tracts of Land
at Gunpowder River called Phillip's Islands with the Stock and Im-

p. 24

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Acts of the General Assembly hitherto unpublished 1694-1698, 1711-1729
Volume 38, Page 355   View pdf image (33K)
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