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Acts of the General Assembly hitherto unpublished 1694-1698, 1711-1729
Volume 38, Page 354   View pdf image (33K)
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354 Assembly Proceedings, 1694-1728.

Liber LL, 5

of Neat Tobacco in trust for the use of all his Creditors to be Shipt
by them on the Risque of the said John Medcalf and Consigned to
such Merchant in London as he shall direct the neat Produce of which
to be distributed by the said Robert Tyler and Thomas Lancaster
amongst all the Creditors of the said Medcalf in equall Proportion
to their Severall Claims at any time when they shall Require it and so
from time to time untill such Creditors shall have Received their full
debts due and now Oweing to them from the said Medcalf anything
in this Act to the Contrary in any wise Notwithstanding.
And Whereas it is represented to this Present generall Assembly
that Samuel Sweringen of Prince Georges County Planter stands
bound for the aforesaid John Medcalf to Phillip Lee Esqr high
Sheriff of Prince Georges County on a ne Exeat Provinciam taken
out by a certain Richard Lancaster against the said John Medcalf
in a Considerable Sume of money and Tobacco as the Proper debt
of the said John Medcalf which the said Sweringen would be lyable
to Pay in case the said Medcalf should depart this Province dureing
the force of the said Bond. And notwithstanding his the said Med-
calfes being discharged in the manner Prescribed by this Act Be it
therefore Enacted by the right honrble the Lord Proprietary by and
with the Advice and Consent aforesaid that upon the said John
Medcalf his Complying with what is required of him by this Act
in respect to his Surrender as aforesaid and after his discharge there-
upon the said Samuel Sweringen shall and is hereby declared to be
acquitted released Discharged and Saved harmless from any damage
he might Sustain by being bound as aforesaid any Law Usuage or
Custom to the Contrary thereof in any wise Notwithstanding.
Provided nevertheless and be it further Enacted by the Authority
Advice and Consent aforesaid that in Case all or any of the Prisoners
aforesaid shall at any time after the makeing this Act leave this
Province such Prisoner as aforesaid doeing the same shall notwith-
standing any thing in this Act be Sued for their debts in the same
manner as if this Act had never been made

Acts of 15734,
ch. 13

p. 22

An Act to Enable John Cheney and Mary his wife to Sell in ffee
Simple three hundred Acres Part of a Tract of Land Called Water-
ford notwithstanding the Same is Specially Intailed on the heirs
of the body of the said Mary by Benjamin Williams of Ann
Arundell County.

Whereas Benjamin Williams of Ann Arundell County by his
Deed Indented bearing Date the Sixth Day of August One Thou-
sand Seven hundred and twenty two Did in Consideration of Love
Good Will and Affection Convey and Make over unto his Son in Law
John Cheney and Mary his wife and to the heirs of the said Mary's
Body begotten by the said John A Certain Parcell of Land Originally
granted the first day of May Sixteen hundred and Seventy Six unto

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Acts of the General Assembly hitherto unpublished 1694-1698, 1711-1729
Volume 38, Page 354   View pdf image (33K)
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