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Acts of the General Assembly hitherto unpublished 1694-1698, 1711-1729
Volume 38, Page 353   View pdf image (33K)
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Acts. 353

to the largeness of his or her debt the Proceedings of the said Jus-
tices and Sheriffs in that Behalf to be certified to the Courts of the
Severall Countys aforesaid and there Lodged for the Perusall of any
of the Creditors of the severall Debtors aforesaid that shall require
the same dud without any fee to be Paid thereon, or for such Lodg-
ing thereof Saving the right of the right Honourable the Lord
Propry his heirs and Successors, and of all Bodies Politick and Cor-
porate and all others not mentioned in this Act Provided nevertheless
that in Case the said Severall Prisoners or either of them shall at any
time after the making such his her or their Oath or Oaths as afd be
convict of willfull and Corrupt Perjury thereupon or of a willfull
Breach or non Complyance with the Tenour of such Oath that then
the said severall Prisoners or such or so many of them as shall be
Convict as afd shall upon such Conviction be adjudged to stand two
hours in the Pillory, And have his her or their left Ear Cutt of and
shall be wholly deprived of all and Singular the benefitts designed
them or either of them by this Law and shall be thence forth lyable
to be Prosecuted for any debts or demands whatsoever in the same
Manner as if this Act had never been made any thing therein Con-
tained to the Contrary Notwithstanding. Provided nevertheless that
the Person of Edward Norwood one of the Petitioners before men-
tioned shall not be discharged and Set at large by the Sheriff in whose
Custody he is untill he has fully Accounted with Mr Thomas Worth-
ington on Oath and Proved in Proper form the outstanding debts that
shall appear by such Account to be such anything in this Act Con-
tained to the Contrary in any wise notwithstanding.
And it is hereby likewise Provided and required that the Sheriff
of Queen Anns County in whose Custody Jacob Ratcliffe one of the
afd Prisoners now is shall upon Notice given him of this Act forth-
with discharge and Sett at large the Person of the afd Jacob Ratcliffe
out of his Custody in regard of his Present Sickness and indisposition
of Body and for so doing the said Sheriff shall be Indemnified and
Saved harmless in the same manner as is Provided by this Act for
discharging and Setting at large the Persons of the other Prisoners
mentioned therein any thing in this Act to the Contrary in any wise

Liber LL, 5

Provided also that nothing in this Act shall be Construed to debarr
or hinder the said Jacob Ratcliffe from Applying for his remedy
against any Person by whom he has unjustly Suffered by Sueing in
forma Pauperis.
And it is also further Provided and it is hereby declared that John
Medcalf one of the aforesaid Prisoners shall not after the last clay
of May Seventeen hundred and twenty Six reap any further Benefitt
or advantage by this Act unless he shall Annually deliver unto Master
Robert Tyler and Master Thomas Lancaster four good clean prized
hogsheads of Tobacco Each hogshead to Contain Six hundred weight

p. 21

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Acts of the General Assembly hitherto unpublished 1694-1698, 1711-1729
Volume 38, Page 353   View pdf image (33K)
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