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Acts of the General Assembly hitherto unpublished 1694-1698, 1711-1729
Volume 38, Page 352   View pdf image (33K)
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352 Assembly Proceedings, 1694-1728.

Liber LL, 5

now Owing and Due from any of them to such their Creditors shall
be and Stand Good and Effectual in Law to All Intents and Purposes
against the Lands Tenements Hereditaments Goods and Chattells
that the said Several prisoners so Discharged as aforesaid shall here-
after Acquire And Come to the Possession of in their own Right
Only And it shall and May be lawfull to and for the Creditors of the
said Several Prisoners so Discharged as aforesaid their Executors
Admrs or Assigns to take out any New Execution Against the Lands
Tenements Hereditaments Goods and Chattells of the Prisoner or
Prisoners aforesaid (his or her wearing Apparell Bedding for him
and his or her Family and Tools necessary for his or her trade or
Occupation And what may be Necessary for their Subsistance not
Exceeding the Value of Ten Pounds Current money only Excepted)
for the Satisfaction of his or their Said Debt in such Sort manner and
form as he or they might have Done if the Person or Persons of the
said Several Prisoners so Discharged as afd had never been taken in
Execution Any Act Statute or Custom to the Contrary Notwith-
standing And Be it further Enacted by the Authority afd by and
with the Advice and Consent afd that in Case the said Sheriffs or
Any of them shall be sued for any Matter or thing required of them
or Either of them to be done by this Act that then the said Sheriffs
or either of them whom it may concern may Enter a Common Ap-
pearance without speciall Bail to any such Action or Actions as shall
be brought against them any or either of them and plead thereto
the Generall Issue and give this Act or the Exemplification thereof
with the Special matter ariseing thereon in Evidence and that in Case
the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs Commencing and bringing such Action or
actions as afd shall be Nonsuit the Defendant or defendants shall

p. 20

recover against him or them double costs of Suit any Law Statute
Usuage or Custom to the Contrary Notwithstanding.
And be it further Enacted by the Authority Advice and Consent
afd that the Sheriffs of the Severall and respective Countys afd and
every of them shall after such Surrender and Delivery up as afd give
Publick Notice at the Churches Court houses and Mills within the
said, Countys of some Precise time by them the said Sheriffs and the
said two Justices to be appointed for the distribution of the Effects
of the said severall Prisoners or any or either of them not less then
twenty days after the time of the makeing of the said Surrender and
shall then and there in the Presence of two Justices as afd and by their
advice and directions make Distribution of the Estate or Estates of
the said Severall Prisoners or of the Estate or Estates of any or
either of them so as aforesaid to be Surrendered delivered up or
Transferred amongst such of their said Creditors only as shall their
by themselves or their Attorney or Attorneys think fitt to be Present
at such distribution by an equall and Proportionable distribution
thereof to every such Creditor with respect had and in Proportion

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Acts of the General Assembly hitherto unpublished 1694-1698, 1711-1729
Volume 38, Page 352   View pdf image (33K)
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