off or Intrusted All or Any Part of my Estate thereby to Secure the
Same to receive or Expect Any Profit or Advantage thereof.
So help me God
It shall and May be lawfull for the Sheriffs of the Several Counties
aforesaid after the End of the said twenty Days And the Said
Sheriffs are hereby required to Discharge the Persons of the said
Several Prisoners out of their Custody And to Suffer them to go
at large And the Persons of the said Debtors so as aforesaid Dis-
charged out of the Custody of the Sheriff and Suffered to go at Large
shall never Any more be lyable to be taken in Execution for or upon
the Account of Any Debts Dues or Demands of what nature Soever
that at the time of the makeing this Act was Due from the aforesaid
Debtors to any of their Creditors. Provided Always and be it
Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that "Notwithstanding the Dis-
charge of the Persons of the Prisoners aforesaid upon takeing the
Oath aforesaid All and Every Judgment now had and taken or that
shall hereafter be Obtained had and taken against Any of the Afore-
named Prisoners by Any of their Creditors for Any Debt or Debts