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Acts of the General Assembly hitherto unpublished 1694-1698, 1711-1729
Volume 38, Page 345   View pdf image (33K)
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Acts. 345

Estate in All those Lands severally devised to them by the said
deceased William Hutcheson by the four several recited paragraphs
of his will in as full and Ample manner to All Intents and Purposes
as they might or Could have done if that before recited paragraph
in the said will Barring his son John from haveing any Interest in
Any of his Lands in Maryland devised as aforesaid had never been
made and Inserted therein Any thing in the said Paragraph that may
Seem to the Contrary in Anywise notwithstanding Saving to his
Lordship the Lord Proprietor and all Bodies politick and Corporate
and all Others not mentioned in this Act their Several and respective

Liber LL, 5

An Act to Confirm unto William Anderson of Ann Arundell County
Planter a Certain Tract of Land herein after mentioned

Whereas the said William Anderson by his humble Petition to this
present Generall Assembly has set forth that in the year Seventeen
hundred and Twenty one he Did Agree with a Certain James Smith
of Ann Arundell County for the Purchase of a Tract of Land Called
Gosnell's Adventure Containing One Hundred Ninety and Nine
Acres for the Consideration of Ten Pounds Sterling And that he
the said James Smith And the Said William Anderson Did proceed

Acts of 1724,
ch. 7
p. 10

so far in the Confirmation of said Bargain that the said James Smith
Did Enter into Bond in the Penalty of forty pounds Sterling for the
Makeing Over and Conveying the said Land to the said William
Anderson and his heirs And that the said William Anderson did
upon the Credit of the said Land think himself Secure thereof by the
Bond afd And thereupon became bound with the said James Smith to
Amos Garrett Esqr for the Payment of Twenty One Pounds Current
Money which Sum doth far exceed the Consideration afd And after
the Execution of the Bonds afd the said James Smith run away to
places Unknown to the said William Anderson And did leave no
Estate of any kind whatsoever And hath neither Conveyed the Land
afd to the said William Anderson Pursuant to his Bond afd nor dis-
charged him from the Bond Entered into as afd to the said Amos
Garrett whereby the said William Anderson Lyes lyable to Pay the
money due on the Bond afd to the said Amos Garrett And hath
no Other Security of the Land afd Save the Bond afd All which
Premises being fully proved to this Generall Assembly It's there-
fore humbly Prayed that it may be Enacted And be it Enacted
by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietor by and with the
Advice and Consent of his Lordships Governeur And the Upper
and lower houses of Assembly and the Authority of the Same that
the said William Anderson and his heirs and Assigns for Ever
shall have hold possess and Enjoy a good Sure and Absolute Estate
of Inheritance in ffee Simple of and in the aforesaid Tract of Land
Called Gosnell's Adventure Containing One hundred ninety and

p. 11

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Acts of the General Assembly hitherto unpublished 1694-1698, 1711-1729
Volume 38, Page 345   View pdf image (33K)
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