Vertue of this Act to Sell and Convey the said Land Called Jones's
fancy to the highest bidder and to make and Duly Execute any Deed
or Conveyance According to the Laws of this province and that the
purchaser paying the Consideracon shall by Vertue of such Deed
or Conveyance and this Act have as Good and Valid an Estate in the
said Land as if the said Hugh Mathews was Expressly Impowred
by the will of the Testator to sell & Convey the same, And be it
further Enacted by the Authority advice and Consent afd that the
Money or Tobo Arriseing by the Sale of the said Land shall be
Deemed to be Assetts in the hands of the said Hugh Mathews and
Applyed to the payment of the Debts of the sd Dennis Sullivan and
the Residue if any be Disposed of According to the Testators Will
and the Laws of the Land in such Cases and that the said Hugh
Mathews shall be Obliged to give good and Sufft Security in the
penalty of three hundred pounds Sterl for the Due admrcon of the
said Dennis Sullivans Estate, and that, that security be Chargeable
with the Money or Tobo Arriseing by the sale of the said Land in
the same manner as with the psonall Estate of the said Sullyvan,
Saveing to his most Sacred Majesty, the Right Honble the Proprie-
tary & all bodys politick and Corporate and all Others not Men-
coned in this Act their Severall and Respective Rights.
p. 574