bly all his real and personall Estate either in Possession Reversion
remainder or in trust or in or unto which he hath any Claim or
interest whatsoever and do likewise betwixt the days aforemention'd
Convey assign transfer and make over unto the said Sherriff of Ann
Arundell County for the use of his the said Johns Creditors all such
his Estate Interest or claim as afd after such Marier as by the said
Sherriff and the Major part of the Creditors of the said John Conna-
way or such of them as shall think fit to direct therein or his or their
Council Learned in the Law shall reasonably devise or require at the
Costs and Charges of such persons as shall Claim the benefitts thereof
so as the said John Connaway be not burthened with any warrantees
thereby other than from himself and those that claim by from or
under him and that the said John at the time of such his surrender
and transferring his Estate as afd shall take his Solemn Oath or
Test before the said two Justices so to be Sumoned as aforesaid to
the Effect following Videlicet. " I John Connaway do solemnly
Swear that the Goods Debts & Effects which I have delivered as-
signed & made over to the Sherriff of Ann arundell County and in
trust for the use of my Creditors is the whole Estate both Real and