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Acts of the General Assembly hitherto unpublished 1694-1698, 1711-1729
Volume 38, Page 294   View pdf image (33K)
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294 Assembly Proceedings, 1694-1728.

Liber LL, 4


to the effect of the Oaths aforesaid and instead thereof. Provided
allso that this Act nor any thing therein contained relating to the
making Flax & Hemp shall any way affect or be construed to affect
any the Inhabitants of Great Brittain untill the End of twelve

months next after the End of this Sessions of Assembly but that the
Inhabitants or Officers of this Province shall be obliged to take the
same as if no such Limitation had been made. This Act is to continue
for three Years and untill the End of the next Sessions of Assembly
that shall first happen after the Expiration of the said Three Years.

Acts of
Aug. 1721,
ch. 10
p. 528

An Act for the Releif of John Connaway of Ann arundell County
a Languishing Prisoner.

Whereas John Connaway of the City of Annapolis in Annarundell
County Saddler has by his humble Petition to this Present Generall
Assembly set forth that being heretofore indebted unto Thomas

p. 529

Macnemara of the aforesaid City Esquire now deceased in a Certain
sum of money but not being able to pay the same was afterwards and
since the Decease of the said Thomas sued and imprison'd by Mar-
garett Macnemara the Administratrix of the said Thomas in Ann
arundell County Goal for the said Debt where he has been confined
a Considerable time and there still continues a poor languishing
Prisoner destitute of all Manner of help having not one penny in
the World Friends nor Interest to pay or Satisfie his Debt to his
said Creditor being a Weak lame and Decrepid Body incapable of
Labour and therefore for that the said John and his Wife are thought
fitt Objects of Charity and that his lying in Goal can be no benefitt
to his Creditor tho it may prove a ruin to him and a burthen to the
County It is humbly prayed that the said John may be releived accord-
ing to his prayer and that it may be Enacted And be it Enacted by
the Right Honble the Lord Proprietary by and with the Advice and
Consent of his Lordships Governeur and the upper and Lower
Houses of Assembly of this Province and the Authority of the
same that unless the Creditor or Creditors of the said John Conna-
way his her or their Attorney or Attorneys within this Province,
Within ten Days after the end of this Sessions of Assembly go to
the Sherriff of Annarundell County and give good Security to pay
the imprisonment fees at ten pounds of Tobacco per Day that shall
or may become due from the said John Connaway after the End of
the said Ten days and allso to find the said John Connaway Sufficient
meat Drink and Cloathing during his future imprisonment in Case
the said John Connaway shall deliver up and Surrender or Cause to
be delivered up or Surendred to the Sherriff of Ann Arundell
County in the presence of two Justices of the peace in the said
County whom the said Sherriff is hereby required to summons on the
Request of the said John at the City of Annapolis at some convenient
time not more than ten Days after the End of this Sessions of Assem-

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Acts of the General Assembly hitherto unpublished 1694-1698, 1711-1729
Volume 38, Page 294   View pdf image (33K)
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