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Acts of the General Assembly hitherto unpublished 1694-1698, 1711-1729
Volume 38, Page 296   View pdf image (33K)
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296 Assembly Proceedings, 1694-1728.

Liber LL, 4

thereon arising in Evidence and that in Case the plaintiff shall be
Nonsuit in such Action the Defendant shall recover against him
double Costs of suit any Law Statute useage or custom to the Con-
trary notwithstanding. And be it further Enacted by the same
Authority, Advice and Consent aforesd that the sherriff of the same
County of Ann arundell aforesaid shall after such Surrender and
delivering up as aforesaid give publick notice at the Churches Court
Houses and at the Mills in the said County of some precise time by
him the said Sherriff and the said two Justices to be appointed for
the distribution of the said Johns Effects and Estate not less than
twenty Days after the time of the making the said Surrender and
shall then and there in the presence of two such Justices as afd and by
their Advice and directions make distribution of the said Johns Estate
so as afd to be surrendered delivered up or transferred amongst such
of the said Johns Creditors only as shall then by themselves or their
lawfull Attorney or Attorneys think fit to be present at such Distribu-
tion by an Equall and proportionable Distribution thereof to every
such Creditor with respect had and in proportion to the largeness of
his her or their Debt the proceedings of the said Justices and Sherriff
in that behalf to be certifyed to the said Annarundell County Court
and there lodged for the perusall of any the said Johns Creditors that
shall require the same without any fee to be paid for the same or for
such lodging thereof saving the Right of the Right Honourable
the Lord Proprietary his Heirs and Successors Provided neverthe-
less that in case the said John shall be at any time after the Making
such his Oath or taking such test aforesaid Convict of willfull and
corrupt Perjury thereon or of a willfull breach or noncomplyance
wth the tenor of such Oath or test that then the said John shall upon
such conviction be adjudged to stand two hours in the Pillory and
have his left Ear cut of and shall be wholly deprived of any the bene-
fitts designed him by this Law and shall be from thenceforth lyable to
be prosecuted for any Debts or Demands whatsoever in the same
manner as if this Act had never been made any thing therein con-
tain'd to the Contrary notwithstanding

Acts of
Aug. 1721,
ch. 13

An Act Empowering a Comittee to lay assess and Apportion the
publick Levey for this Present Year One thousand Seven hundred
and twenty one.

Whereas this present Generall Assembly have for the defraying
the Publick Charges of this Province to the first Day of August
Instant raised a Certain sum of Tobacco and money amounting to the
sum of two hundred and twenty seven thousand seven hundred and
seventy pounds of Tobacco and two hundred & Seventeen pounds ten
shillings Currt Money as by the Journall of the Comittee of Accounts
appears but by reason more publick Charges may arise and grow due
before the usual and accustomed time of payment which is the tenth

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Acts of the General Assembly hitherto unpublished 1694-1698, 1711-1729
Volume 38, Page 296   View pdf image (33K)
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