Tub, Box or other package more than five pounds of Tobacco (in
regard to some accidentall bad leaves that may pass undiscovered in
the handling) otherwise Qualifyed than according to the directions of
the aforesaid Act So help me God on Penalty of the sum of one thou-
sand pounds of Tobacco for every Hogshead, Case, Chest, Tub, Box
or other Package of Tobacco he she or they shall pack prize and ship
off And be it likewise further Enacted by and with the Authority
Advice and consent aforesaid that from and after the tenth day of
October next all Masters Misstresses, Dames Overseers and other
persons whatsoever Owners of any Tobacco made or to be made
within this Province that shall in any Year before the tenth Day of
October Yearly Ship off sell or otherwise Dispose, of any Quantity
of Tobacco be it more or less other than what he she or they shall
have Actually Stript and packt up or prized and prepared ready for
Shipping or Sale by the Last Day of May Yearly shall forfeit for
every Hogshead of Tobacco they shall so ship sell or dispose off and
not prepared as aforesaid the sum of One thousand pounds of To-
bacco. And be it further Enacted by the Authority Advice and
consent aforesaid that it shall not be lawfull to or for any person or
persons whatsoever after the tenth Day of October next to buy or sell
any trash ground leaf Suckers or any other bad Tobacco on pain and
penalties hereafter mention'd (that is to say) the buyer to forfeit
and pay if not a Servant the Sum of one shilling per pound for every
Liber LL, 4
pound of Tobacco so Disposed of, with Equall Penalty on the Seller
and if a Servant or Slave unable to pay such fine as aforesaid that
then such Servant or Slave to be punished by whipping on the bare
back not exceeding thirty nine Lashes to be inflicted by the Order
of any Justice of the Peace before whom any person or persons shall
be so convicted which Justice is duly empowered by this Law on full
hearing of the Matter by Information to determine the Same. Pro-
vided notwithstanding that any person may buy sell and receive any
parcell of Tobacco not exceeding one hundred pounds of Tobacco at
any one time so it be qualified as this Act directs without Obliging
the Receiver thereof to take the Oath of Receivers appointed by this
All which aforegoing Tobacco fines are to be recovered in his
Lordship's name in any County Court within this Province by Action
of Debt Bill Plaint or Information wherein no Essoyn Protection or
Wager of Law to be allowed, the one half whereof to the informer
or to him or them that shall sue for & recover the Same and the
other half to the use of schools according to the Directions of the
Act Intituled a Supplementary Act to the Act intituled an Act for
laying an Imposition on Negroes and Severall sorts of Liquors Im-
ported and allso on Irish Servants to prevent the importing too Great
a number of Irish Papists into this Province. Provided that the
affirmation of the People called Quakers allowed by Law be received
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