Liber LL, 4
Acts of
Oct. 1712,
ch. 15
1704, ch. 61)
A Supplement to the Act for appointmt of Constables and what
relates to their Office and Ascertaining what persons are Tax-
Forasmuch As by the Act of Assembly Entituled an Act for ap-
pointmt of Constables and what relates to their Office made At a
Session of Assembly begun and held at the Town and port of An-
napolis in Ann Arrundell County the fifth day of September In the
Third yeare of the Reigne of our Sovraigne Lady Queen Anne &c
Anno Dom Seventeen Hundred and four It is directed in what
manner the Constables shall take their Lists of Taxables but As-
certains not what persons are Taxables and what not.
Acts of
Oct. 1712,
ch. 16
An Act Confirmeing and makeing good and Valid in Law a Certaine
deed of Bargaine and Sale made by Edward Hancox deceased to
Thomas Johnson of Leverpool Esqr
Whereas Sr Thomas Johnson of Leverpool in the Kingdom of
great Brittaine Knight by his Peticcon to this prsent Generall As-
sembly hath Sett forth, That he sometime since Intrusted Edward
Hancox late of Ann Arrundell County deced with a Considerable
quantity of Goods to be disposed of for the proper Account of him
the sd Sr Thomas Johnson and Company of Leverpool Merchants,
And that the said Edward Hancox not haveing rendred them the
Just Accounts he was Obliged to and makeing Use of and converting
the Goods and Money thereby Arriseing to his own Use, They the
said Sr Thomas Johnson and Company imployed a Certaine Charles
Carroll of Annapolis Esqr As their Agent to Call the said Hancox
to Account who Obtained Judgmt against him in the Provinciall
Court to Satisfie which said Judgmt the sd Edward Hancox the
Fifteenth day of June Anno Dom One Thousand Seven Hundred
and nine made a deed of Bargaine and Sale to the said Sr Thomas
Johnson by the name of Thomas Johnson of Leverpool Esqr And for
the Consideracon of Sixty Three pounds Eight shillings Six pence
Sold and Conveyed to the said Sr Thomas Johnson and his Heires
forever, a Certaine Tract of Land lyeing in the Woods in Balte-
more County called Timber Grove Containing Five Hundred Acres
and duely Executed the same deed with a Letter or Warrant of
Attorney directed to William Bladen Esqr or any other Attor-
ney of the Provinciall Court impowering him or them to acknowl-