cept One parcell called Crooked's Intention) And whereas the said
Francis has petitioned this prsent Generall Assembly That Foras-
much As the said Land is not Expressely menconed in said Will to
be devised to the said Francis and his Heires he is Apprehensive
That after his decease it would descend to the said Hugh's Heire at
Law contrary to the devisors Intent unlesse some propper Remedy
were provided for him in that behalfe And has therefore prayed That
he might have Leave given him to bring in a Bill for that purpose,
And for that the said Francis has made it sufficiently appeare both by
the person's Evidence That wrote said Will and other Testimony
That it was the reall Intent of said Hughs and alsoe his direccons
to the sd Writer of the will aforesd That the said Lands (unexcepted
As aforesd) should be Expressly devised to the said Francis and his
Heires for ever And also forasmuch As Daniel Sherwood of Tal-
bott County Gentleman Eldest sonn and Heire at Law of the said
Hugh hath appear'd and heard Peticcon of said Francis And alsoe
his Allegacons and Evidences in Reference thereto and hath not
made any Materiall Objeccons to the same It is therefore humbly
prayed that It may be Enacted
And be it Enacted by the Queens most Excellent Majesty by and
with the Advice and Consent of her Majtys Presidt Councill and
Assembly of this Province and the Authority of the same That it may
and shall be lawfull for the said Francis Sherwood and his Heires
forever to have hold and Enjoy As full and ample Estate of Inheri-
tance of in and unto All the Lands whereof the said Hugh died
possesst (Except Crooked's Intention aforemenconed) As if the
same had been Expressly devised by the said Will to him the said
Francis and his Heires forever, any defect or Omission of necessary
Liber LL, 4
An Act Reviving An Act of Assembly of this Province Entituled an
Act laying an Imposiccon of Three pence p hogshead on To-
bacco for defraying the publick Charge of this Province.
Be it Enacted by the Queens most Excellent Majty by and with
the Advice and Consent of her Majtys Presidt Councill and Assembly
of this Province and the Authority of the same that the above men-
coned Act Entituled an Act for laying an Imposiccon of Three
pence pr hogshead on Tobacco for defraying the publick Charge of
this province made at a Session of Assembly begun and held At the
port of Annapolis the fifth day of December Anno Dom Seventeen
Hundred and four be and is hereby revived and Continued in full
force and strength from and after this prsent session of Assembly
for and dureing Three yeares And to the End of the next Session of
Assembly after the Three yeares
Acts of
Oct. 1712,
ch. 14
1704, ch. 64)