Acts. 135
sembly, of this province and the authority of the same, that the same
Estate, right, title Interest, Property, Claime, Possession and demand
of in, and to, the aforesaid, Severall, two tracts of Land, and all, and
Every, their rights, members and appurtenances, within the Respective
bound thereof, Mentioned in the Originall Grants of the said Land, be,
and actually is by Vertue of this act of Assembly, Vested, and setled,
in the said Richd Bennett, his heires and Assignes for Ever, to his,
and their, Proper use being deemed And reputed of Less Vallue than
the Payments and disbursmts which the said Richard had made be-
yond assetts as afd, Saveing to the Heires of the said John if any
there be, their Lawfull Claim, to the said Lands, if they, or any
Liber LL, 4
of them, shall make their Claim within Seven years, And the Im-
mediate right, of the right honourable the Lord Proprietor, of this
province, to his Escheat Any Law, Statute, Useage or Custome to the
Contrary in any wise notwithstanding.
p. 16
An Act Confirming and Makeing good and Effectuall in Law, a
Certain deed, or release made by Susannah Tracey wife of Thomas
Tracey late of Ann Arundell County Carpenter, to James Heath
of Queen Anns County Gentleman
Whereas Thomas Tracey late of Ann Arundell County Carpenter
hath now absented himself out of this province upwards of Seven
yeares Leaveing his wife Susannah Tracey with Severall Small
Children in a very poor Condition without makeing any provision
for, or Sending any assistance to her the said Susannah, nor doth
she know in what Countrey the said Thomas now is And whereas
John Sewick the first husband of the said Susannah by his Last will
and Testament devised to her and her heires, for Ever, two hundred
acres of Land, part of a tract of Land Called Pascalls purchase,
Lyeing at herring Creek in the said County of Ann arundell And
whereas for good and Valuable Considerations made to the said
Susanna by James Heath now of Queen Ann's County, and late of
Ann Arundell County afd Gentleman, as well in discharging her of a
bond, which she had Entred into before her marryage with the said
Thomas Tracey to One John Wilson for which she was sued, since
the departure of the said Thomas Tracey, as in paying to her the
said Susannah three thousand pounds of Tobacco, She the said
Susannah Conveyed and made over all her remaining part by her
unsold to the said John Wilson to Jonathan Jones and to Christo-
pher Vernon to the said James Heath his heires and Assignes for
Ever, And whereas the said Susanna for and in Consideration of the
further Sum of four thousand pounds of tobacco to her paid by the
said James Heath, hath by Indenture bearing date the first day of
November one thousand Seven hundred and nine. Acknowledged
before Philemon Lloyd Esquire one of her Majtys Justices of the
provl Court of this province the third day of the same month, Re-
mised, Released and for Ever quitt Claimed all the right, which she
Acts of 1711,
ch. 10
(Vide 1709,
ch. 2)