134 Assembly Proceedings, 1694-1728.
Liber LL, 4
Naturall born People, and Subjects of this province, any Law,
Statute Useage or Custome to the Contrary in any wise notwith-
Acts of 1711,
ch. 9
An Act to Invest two tracts of Land in Richard Bennett Esquire
late the land of John Howel Deceased.
Whereas Richard Bennett of Talbot County Esquire, hath by
his petition set forth, to this Present Generall Assembly that, he have-
ing formerly had Letters of Administration, Granted him, by the
Comry Generall, of this Province, Authorizeing him. to Administer,
all and Singular, the goods, Chattells and Creditts of a Certain John
Howell late of Stockton in Great Brittain Marriner Deceased And
that by Vertue of the said Letters of Admrcon to him the said
Richard Granted as afd took upon him the admrcon of all Singular,
p. 15
the Goods, Chattells and Creditts of the afd deceased, and in Expec-
tation of Receiving Considerable Creditts of the said Deceased (as
then appearently seemed Good and sperate, had prosecuted severall
Actions and recovered Severall Judgments in his said Capacity,
but more Especially had Obteyned Judgment for a Considerable Sum
of Mony against a Certain Ralph Fishburne in the Provll Court
which in all Likelyhood would have paid all the Just debts of the said
deceased in this province and defrayd the Cost and Charge of the
said Admrcon He the said Richard Bennett paid Just Debts,
Charges and disbursements on Account of the said Admrcon amount-
ing to one hundred and Seven pounds thirteen Shillings and nine
pence more then Assetts Came to his hands in regard that after
Judgmt so obteyned, agt the said Ralph Fishburn, the said Richard
was defeated in Chancery thereof, All wch the said Richard, hath
made manifestly appear to this Assembly: And for that the said
Richard is well Assured, And the Common Voice and fame agrees
thereto that he the said Richard Cann find no more Personall Estate
of the said Deceased to Satisfie and reimburse him what he has
overpaid above Assetts, Butt yet the said deceased died possessed
of two tracts of Land in Talbot County, whereof one Conteynes two
hundred acres and known by the name of Turners Ridge And the
other one hundred acres known by the name of Planters Encrcasc,
to wch no Child or heir, of the said deced, John Howell, appeares
to Lay Claime, And tht it is Generally believed he died without any
Surviveing Lawfull Issue, the said Richard, hath petitioned this
Generall Assembly to Invest the same title and Estate of Inheritance,
in, and to, the said Lands in him the said Richard, his heires, and
Assignes for Ever as the said John Howell had at the time of his
death, to reimburse him of his payments and disbursements made as
afd which is Granted to him.
Be it therefore Enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majty by and
with the advice and Consent of her Majtys President Councill and As-