of this Province and the Authority of the same that David Pagett of
Queen Ann's County planter a Frenchman by birth Maudlin his
wife and Eliza his Daughter and all other his Children hereafter to
be born within this province and all and Every of them, shall upon the
said Davids takeing the oaths appointed by Law, be Judged reputed
and taken as naturall born People of this Province, And that they,
and Every of them, by the Authority afd be Enabled and adjudged to
all Intents and purposes, to Demand Challenge, Aske have hold and
Enjoy any Lands Tenements Rents and hereditaments to wch they
might in any wise be Entituled as if they were free and Naturall
born Subjects and People of this province, and Also that they and
Every of them shall and may be Enabled to maintaine Prosecute
Avow Justifie and defend All manner of Actions Suits Pleas Plaints
and other Demands whatsoever, as Liberally, Frankly, Freely, fully,
Lawfully and Securely as if they and Every of them had been
p. 14