Robberys Murders and Pyracyes to the great Scandall & reproach of
the English Nation and Contrary to theire Duty faith and allegiance
for the preventing of the said Evills and punishing and punish-
ing [sic] of all such Offenders We pray it may be Enacted And be
it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Maty By and with the
advice and Consent of this present Generall Assembly and the
Authority of the same That from and after the publication hereof it
shall be felony for any person which now doth or within four years
last past heretofore hath or hereafter shall Inhabitt or belong to
this Province That shall Comitt any Act of Hostility by Comission
from or in the service of any forreigne Prince State or Potentate or
any Imployed by or under any of them against any other forreigne
Prince State or Potentate in Amity with his Maty of Great Brittain
without speciall Licence for his or theire so doing under the hand and
Seale of the Governr or Commander in Chiefe of this Province for the
time being And that all and every such offender or offenders Con-
trary to the true intent of this Act being thereof Legally Convicted
in his Matys Provintiall Court of this Province To which Court
Authority is hereby given to hear & determine the same as other
Courts of felony shall suffer pains of death without benefitt of the
Clergy Provided nevertheless this Act nor any thing therein Con-
teined shall Extend to any person or persons which now or have
been in the service or any Imployment of any forreigne Prince State
or Potentate whatsoever that shall returne to this Province and leave
and desert such Service and Imployment before the Tenth day of
May next Ensueing rendring him or themselves to the Governr or
Comander in Chiefe for the time being and give him such Security
as he shall appoint for theire future good behaviour And also that
they shall not depart this Province without the Governors Pass
under the hand and Seale of the said Governr or Comander in Chiefe
for the time being And for the better and more speedy Execution of
Justice upon such who haveing Comitted Felonys Treason Pyracy
and other offences upon the Sea that shall be apprehended in this
Province or brought hither in Order to receive theire Tryall here
Be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That all Treasons,
Felonys, Pyracys Murders or Confederacys Comitted or that shall
hereafter be Comitted upon the Sea or in any Haven River Creek or
Bay which the Admirall hath Jurisdiction shall be inquired Tryed
heard Determined and adjudged within this Province in such like
forme as if such Offence had been Comitted in and upon the Land
And to that End and Purpose Commissions shall issue under the
Kings great Seale of this Province directed to the Judge or Judges
of Admirallty of this Province for the time being and to such other
Substantiall persons as by his Matys Governr or Comander in Chiefe
of this Province for the time being shall be named or appointed
which said Commissioners or such a Quorum of them as by such
Commission shall be thereunto authorised shall have full power to
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Vol. 731,