C O. 5,
Vol. 731,
do all things in and about the inquiry hearing Determining adjudge-
ing and punishing of any of the Crimes & offences aforesaid as any
Commissioners to be appointed by Commission under the great
Seale of England by Virtue of a Statute made in the 28th year of the
reigne of King Henry the 8th (Cap: 15) are Impowered to do and
Execute within the Kingdom of England and that the said Offen-
ders which are or shall be apprehended or brought Prisoners to this
Province shall be Lyable to such Order Process Judgement and
Execution by Virtue of such Comission to be grounded upon this
Act as might be awarded or given against them as if they were pro-
ceeded against within the Realm of England by Virtue of any Com-
mission granted upon the same Statute Be it further Enacted by the
Authority aforesaid that all and every person or persons That shall
be Deemed and adjudged to be Privateers Pyrates or other Offenders
within the Constitution of this Act And that shall not readily En-
deavour to the best of his or theire Power to apprehend or cause to
be apprehended such Offender or Offenders shall be Lyable to be
prosecuted as Accessarys and Confederates and to suffer such pains
and penaltyes as in such Case by Law is provided And for the better
and more Effectuall Execution of this Act
Be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That all Comis-
sion Officers in theire Severall precincts within this Province are
hereby required & Impowered upon his or theire Knowledge or
Notice given That any Privateers Pyrates or other persons Sus-
pected to be upon any unlawfull Designe or in any place within
theire Severall precincts to raise and leavy such a Number of well
armed men as he or they shall think needfull for the seizing Appre-
hending & Carrying to Gaole all and every such person or persons and
in Case of any resistance or refusall to Yeild Obedience to his Matys
Authority it shall be Lawfull to Kill or Destroy such person or per-
sons that shall opose or resist by striking or fireing upon any of the
Comanded Partyes shall be Deemed taken and adjudged as felons
without benefitt of the Clergy and every such Officer that shall
Omitt or neglect his Duty herein shall forfeitt Thirty pounds ster-
ling for every such Offence to be recovered in his Matys Courts of
Records within this Province By Bill Plaint or information wherein
no Essoyne Protection or Wager of Law to be allowed one Moyety
thereof to be to our Sovereigne Lord the King his heires and Suc-
cessours for and Towards the suporte of the Government of this
Province and the Contingent Charges thereof And the other moyety
to the Informer that prosecutes or Sues for the same and all and
every person and persons that upon Orders given him or them that
shall refuse to repaire Imediately with his or theire Arms well fixed
and Amunition to such place or places as shall be appointed by the said
Officer and not readily obey his Comands in the Execution of the
premisses shall be Lyable to such fine or Corporall Punishment being
Legally convicted thereof as the Justices of his Majesty's Provin-