C. O. 5,
Vol. 731,
Yett he is afterwards Charged againe and new Examination by
Capias ad Satisfaciendum issued out againe whereupon it Corns to
pass that many of his Matys Subjects are unjustly taken in Execution
and Imprisoned which the poorer Sorte rather take patiently and
suffer under then seek theire redress by Ordinary Course of Law and
for that the Imprisonment many times is greater Charge then the
Debts and for that the perpetuall fear of Imprisonment makes the
poorer Sorte of people of this Province more negligent of Applying
themselves to theire Callings and rather Seek for refuge in our
Neighbouring Colonys by flight & deserting theire habitations and
that such poor Inhabitants may with all Chearfullness hope and
Assureance industriously follow theire Labours to the benefitt of the
Publick And for that the King of Englands Officers in England onely
use the way of Distress to Leavy such Taxes and Assessments as
are granted by Act of Parliament and for that the insulting of one
Subject over another with greater authority Then the Kings of
England in such Cases Exercise over theire Subjects is of all things
most odious. The Delegates of this present generall Assembly do
pray That it may be Enacted And be it Enacted by the Kings Most
Excellent Maty by and with the Advice and consent of this present
generall Assembly and the Authority of the same That from and
after this present Sessions no Fees due to any publique Officer of this
Province whatsoever shall be Leavyed but by Execution of fieri facias
against the goods & Chattells of the Debtor to any such Officer or
Officers any forme Law usage or Custom to the Contrary Notwith-
standing Provided the Debtor to any such Officer or Officers have
goods and Chattells to the value of such fee or fees and shew the same
to the Sherriffe or his Deputy to be leavyed so as aforesaid. But in
case the party Debtor to such Officer or Officers That have not any
such goods & Chattells Sufficient to defray such Fee or Fees, That
then it shall and may be Lawfull to and for such Officer or Officers
to have Execution by Capias ad Satisfaciendum against the Debtor
so as aforesaid. This Act to continue for 3 years or to the end of the
next Sessions of Assembly.
Acts of
Oct. 1698,
ch. 22
An Act for the punishment of Privateers and Pyrates.
Whereas it highly Tends to the Honour of his Sacred Maty and
most Consistant with the Duty of all his Matys Loyall Subjects That
such Articles as are Concluded on all Treatyes of peace should in a
Strict Maner be most inviolably preserved and kept and Whereas
not onely against such Treatyes of Peace made by his Maty with his
Allyes but also Contrary to his Matys Royall Proclamation We his
Matys most Loyall Subjects have received diverse Informations That
Severall of his Matys ill minded and disobedient Subjects of other
his Matys Dominions as well by themselves as in Company with the
Subjects of other Princes and in theire Service have Comitted