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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, May, 1730-August, 1732
Volume 37, Page 406   View pdf image (33K)
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406 Assembly Proceedings, July 11-August 8, 1732.

U. H. J.

in Calvert County for the Building of a Church and Vestry Room
and for the purchasing two Acres of Land thus Subscribed

31st July 1732
Read & Assented to by the Lower House of Assembly
Signed p order M. Macnemara Cl. Lo. Ho.

Read & Assented to by this House & ordered to be so Subscribed.
The paper bill so Endorsed is sent to the lower house by Col Rider
Philemon Lloyd Esqr from the Conferrence of both Houses Ap-
pointed in Relation to a Paper Currency Bill makes the following

At a Conferrence held at the House of Mr Geo. Neilson in An-
napolis July 29th 1732


The Honble

Philemon Lloyd Esqr
Benja Tasker Esqr &
Col. John Rider

of the Upper house

Mr Dulany
Mr Beale
Mr Hooper

Mr Magruder
Mr Sprigg
Mr George

of the Lower house

p. 206

Philemon Lloyd Esqr Chairman

Your Conferrees have taken into Consideration the Subject matter
of the Conferrence and propose
I: That Bills of Credit be emitted for £72000
2. That the said bills Circulate for fifteen Years
3: That there be paid in by every Borrower a proportionable part
of the Sume to be borrowed to the Number of the fifteen Years
Limitted for the Circulation of the Bills which shall be unexpired at
the time of borrowing the money.
For Example if a Sume be borrowed within one Year after the
passing the Act then one third part must be paid in Annually to the
end all the bills may be brought in by the end of the 15th Year.
4. That the Interest be 4£ p Cent p Ann. and Annually paid for
the whole surne to be borrowed and the Bills be lent on Real or per-
sonall Security.
5. That what shall be paid in of the principal for the first five years
be remitted and afterwards to be destroyed as it comes in.
6. That what shall be paid in for Interest in the whole time be
7. That there be care taken to Support the Credit of the Bills &
in order thereto that all Duties payable for discharging the publick

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, May, 1730-August, 1732
Volume 37, Page 406   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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