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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, May, 1730-August, 1732
Volume 37, Page 407   View pdf image (33K)
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The Upper House. 407

charge of the Province be paid in the said Bills and also that all the
Inhabitants may if they please pay all their Levies (Except the 4o£
of Tobacco p Poll) & officers and Lawyers fees, in the said Bills rating
the Tobacco at Ten Shillings p Cent And that all Rewards and
Bounties allowed by Act of Assembly & all penalties & forfeitures in
Tobacco be paid in the said Bills of Creditt at the said rate and that
all Contracts to be made for Current Money be discharged by bills of
Creditt without any Difference or Discount.
8: That there be an Office Erected on each side of the Bay under
the Management of three Commissioners at the Salary of Sixty
pounds the first Year each of them and forty pounds p Annum after-
wards :

U. H. J.

That they employ a Clerk on each Shore who shall have Sixty
pounds each p Annum
9. That a Committee of both Houses of Assembly be Appointed
every Session to inspect into and Examine the proceedings of the
I o. That it be made felony without benefit of Clergy to Counter-
feit the Bills of Credit or to pass any Counterfeit knowing them to be

p. 207

That the Bill of Credit shall be

M s M

30. 20 Bills 30000 1 6 2. 6


20. 15 15000 32 i. 6


20. 10 10000 8o i.


20. 5 5000 144 6



The first Years Charge will be

To the Salary of 6 Commrs at £6o each


To two Clerks at 6o£ each


Books Papers Printing &c by Computation


House Rent.



The whole charge afterward will be

To Salary of 6 Commrs 14 years at 4o£ p Ann.


To Do to two Clerks 14 years at 6o£ each p Ann.


To Do for Books &c at 2o£ p Ann.


To Do for House Rent



Your Conferees have Calculated the growing Interest on the sume
proposed to be Emitted for the fifteen years, and find that the same
exclusive of incident Charges will amount to about 34278£ (as will


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, May, 1730-August, 1732
Volume 37, Page 407   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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