Bills, when there shall be Occasion; and that the said Bills shall be so
shaped and fashioned, as may render them the least liable to be
counterfeited: And the said Commissioners shall be chargeable with
the Monies mentioned in this Act, contained in the said Bills, so
signed and numbered by them as aforesaid, and as herein before
directed, and ordered to be disposed of, as shall be by this Act here-
after directed and appointed: And the said Commissioners, or any
Three of them, shall cause to be kept a true Account of all the said
Bills by them signed and numbered, as aforesaid; and before the said
Commissioners so to be appointed, shall act, they shall take the Oath
following, before One Provincial Justice, viz.
I A B do swear, that I will faithfully, honestly, and diligently
execute the Office and Duty of Commissioner, appointed by Virtue
of an Act of Assembly, entituled, An Act to make and emit Thirty
Six Thousand Pounds current Money of Maryland, in Bills of Credit ;
and for easing the Inhabitants of this Province; and to raise a Fund
to sink the said Bills of Credit, according to the true Intent and
Meaning of the said Act, to the best of my Knowledge and Under-
standing. So help me God.
And Be It Further Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, by and
with the Advice and Consent aforesaid, That the said Commissioners,
or any Three of them, are hereby authorized and empowered, to issue,
manage, and negotiate, the original Bills of Credit, according to the
Directions herein after prescribed: And for the Directing, Perform-
ing, and Managing all other Things by this Act enjoined and required
to be performed and transacted by the said Commissioners, or any
Three of them, relating to the said Bills of Credit, that the said Com-
missioners for the Time being, or any Three of them, shall duly
attend at the Time and Place hereafter mentioned.
Be It Further Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, by and with the
Advice and Consent aforesaid, That the said Commissioners, and
each of them, shall, before they or any of them act in the said Office,
give a separate Bond, with Two sufficient Sureties, before the Chan-
cellor of this Province for the Time being, in the penal Sum of Two
Thousand Pounds current Money of this Province, paiable to the
Lord Proprietary, with a Condition for the due Execution and Dis-
charge of the several Duties and Powers enjoined by this Act, to be
by them executed and performed; which said Bond so executed, shall
be lodged in the Secretary's Office, and shall and may be assigned and
sued at the Direction of the Assembly, as other Publick Bonds have
been used to be assigned and sued: And if any of the Persons ap-
pointed by this Act to be Commissioners shall die, or be removed,
before the Powers to them hereby respectively given, shall be fully
executed, it shall and may be lawful, for the Lord Proprietary, or the
Governor for the Time being, or the President for the Time being,
in the Absence of the Lord Proprietary and the Governor, to nominate