men and other Persons, (who might be emploied more to the Advan-
tage of themselves and the Publick, in their respective Trades and
other Occupations) to make Tobacco, with which Commodity, by the
great Quantity thereof already made, the European Markets are over
stocked, and the Price thereof so very low, that the People who have
no other Dependance, must in a short Time, unless relieved, be
reduced to Want: For Prevention whereof,
Be It Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary, by
and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Governor, and
the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Authority of
the same, That Bills of Credit, to the Value of Thirty Six Thousand
Pounds Current Money of Maryland, be printed, That is to say,
Fifteen Thousand Bills of Twenty Shillings Currency each, Ten
Thousand Bills of Fifteen Shillings each, Ten Thousand Bills of Ten
Shillings each, Ten Thousand Bills of Five Shillings each, Eight
Thousand Bills of Two Shillings and Six Pence each, Sixteen Thou-
sand Bills of One Shilling and Six Pence each, Forty Thousand Bills
of One Shilling each, and Seventy Two Thousand of Six Pence
each; which Bills shall be indented, and impressed on the Left Side,
near the Tops of the said Bills, with the Arms of the Lord Pro-
prietary: And that the said Bills shall be in the Form following :
This indented Bill of .... Current Money of the Province of
Maryland, shall pass Current in all Paiments, according to an Act in
that Case made and provided. Dated at Annapolis the .... Day of
.... in the Year of Our Lord, One Thousand Seven Hundred and
Which Bills shall be signed and numbered by Five such Com-
missioners, as the Lord Proprietary, or the Governor for the Time
being, or the President for the Time being, in the Absence of the Lord
Proprietary and the Governor, shall, under his Hand and Seal ap-
point, for executing the Powers in this Act mentioned; and the Sums
of Money, that every the said Bills is to pass for, shall be printed at
the Top of each Bill, under the Lord Proprietary's Arms, and at the
Bottom of each Bill; that each Bill of Five Shillings shall be marked
with a Crown, each Bill of Ten Shillings Value with two Crowns,
each Bill of Fifteen Shillings Value with Three Crowns, and each
Bill of Twenty Shillings Value with Four Crowns; and that the
Value of each Bill under Five Shillings, shall be marked in the Mar-
gin with Roman Figures, signifying the Value of each respective
Bill so marked: And the Counter-parts of the said Bills shall be like-
wise printed, and shall be numbered by the said Commissioners, and
kept by them unsigned, at the Office, to be appointed for that Purpose
by Virtue of this Act, where the said Counter-parts shall be by the
said Commissioners, or any Three of them, entered in Books to be
kept for that Purpose, under the Care and Charge of the said Com-