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And It Is Hereby Further Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, by
and with the Advice and Consent aforesaid, That the said Commis-
sioners so to be appointed by Virtue of this Act, shall, for the due
Execution thereof, and the Powers to them thereby given, hold their
Office at the City of Annapolis. And to the End that the said Bills
of Credit may be circulated with Ease to the People, and to prevent
the Exportation of too great Quantity of the most ordinary Tobacco,
as well as to recompence the People for their Labour and Pains in
making the same,
Be It Enacted, That the Commissioners aforesaid, shall transmit
to trie Justices of every County Court, at the several County Courts
which shall be held in the Month of June, in the Year One Thousand
Seven Hundred and Thirty Two, together with the Sum of Fifteen
Pounds in Bills of Credit, to be paid to each of the County Clerks, and
what may be thought by the Commissioners, or any Three of them, to
be sufficient to pay the Persons appointed to destroy Tobacco, accord-
ing to this Act, the Sum of Fifteen Shillings current Money, in the
said Bills of Credit, for every Six Thousand Plants, and in Propor-
tion for a greater or lesser Quantity, which shall be counted and left
standing in each County, by Virtue of an Act of Assembly, entituled,
an Act for Improving the Staple of Tobacco; and for continuing
Part of an Act ascertaining the Gauge and Tare of Tobacco Hogs-
heads; and to prevent cropping, cutting, and defacing Tobacco taken
on Board Ships or Vessels upon Freight; & for laying Impositions
on Tobacco per the Hogshead, for the Support of Government; and
for the encouraging Settlements in this Province, by ascertaining the
Manner of paying his Lordship's Alienation Fines and Quit-Rents,
for the Term therein proposed; and for taking off the Three-pence
per Hogshead formerly raised for the Publick Charge: Which said
Bills of Credit, so to be transmitted to the said County Justices as
aforesaid, shall be lodged with the County Clerks; who are hereby
enjoined and required, under the Penalty of Fifty Pounds current
Money of this Province, to be recovered and applied as the other For-
feitures and Penalties in this Act mentioned, to receive the same; and
upon Receipt thereof, to enter into Bond, to be taken by the Justices,
in the penal Sum of One Hundred Pounds, with Two sufficient Sure-
ties, paiable to the Lord Proprietary, with a Condition to produce and
deliver the same at any Time or Times, as shall or may be proper and
necessary for the Distribution and Delivery of the same, to the Inhabi-
tants of each County, according to the Directions of this Act; and
which said Bills so transmitted and lodged as aforesaid, shall be by