Acts. 83
aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful to and for the Owners
of such Servants, (unless the Offence whereof he, she, or they shall
be convicted be Capital, and that the Offender or Offenders are
actually executed for the same,) at or before the Time of the Ex-
piration of such Servants Servitude, to carry such Servant to the
County-court held for their County, and on their making it fully
appear to the Justices of such Court, how much Tobacco hath been
paid by them for such Servant, on Account of such Prosecutions, it
shall and may be lawful for the Justices of such Court, and they are
hereby required, to adjudge what Time (not exceeding Three
Years,) they shall think reasonable, to serve the Owner in Recom-
pence to such Fees paid as aforesaid; unless such Servant can make
Payment thereof in some other Manner.
And be it Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, That all Masters
and Owners of Women Servants, having Bastard Children, shall be
obliged to maintain such Bastard Children, at his and their own
proper Cost and Charge, during the Continuance of such Servant
Woman in his or their Service.
Provided, That it shall and may be lawful for the Justices of the
County-court, where such Bastard Child or Children shall be born,
to adjudge the Mother or Mothers of such Bastard Child or Chil-
dren, where the Father is unknown, or incapable to make any satis-
faction, to make her or their Master or Owners full Satisfaction
and Recompence by Servitude or otherwise, for maintaining and
supporting such Bastard Child or Children. Any Law, Usage, or
Custom to the contrary, notwithstanding.
Provided always, That where the Begetter, or Begetters of such
Bastard Child or Children, is or are Resident or Residents within
this Province, of Ability to maintain such Child or Children, and
lawfully convict of being the Begetter or Begetters of such Child or
Children, it shall and may be lawful in all such Cases, for the several
Justices of the Peace to oblige such Father or Begetter to support
and maintain such Bastard Child or Children as heretofore they
might have done. Any Thing in this Act to the contrary, notwith-
p. 8
An Act giving Encouragement to make Hemp, within this Province.
Forasmuch as the Tobacco-Trade is reduc'd to very mean Cir-
cumstances, and it is generally thought that the making of Hemp
will be of great Use, not only to this Province, but to the Kingdom
of Great-Britain, for supplying of Naval Stores :
Be it Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary, by
and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Governour, and
the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Authority of
the same, That if any Person or Persons, living or inhabiting within
this Province, shall hereafter make, either by themselves, their ser-
Chap. III