82 Assembly Proceedings, October 10-30, 1727.
p. 6
" King, the Lord Proprietor, or the Governour (for the Time be-
" ing) of them, and proceed to execute the Law notwithstanding
" the same Letters: That You shall hold your Courts according to
" the Acts of Assembly, and the Directions in your Commission :
" That You shall do and procure the Profit of the Lord Proprietor
" in all Things where you may lawfully and reasonably do the same.
" And that you shall not debar or hinder the Prosecution of Jus-
" tice; nor take any Gift, Bribe, or Fee, for delaying, or rendering
" judgment, but shall behave yourself justly, honestly, and faith-
" fully, to the best of your Knowledge and Understanding, so long
" as You shall continue in the said Office."
So help You God.
Chap. II
p. 6
[Printed by
Kitty as in
force in
An Act directing the Payment of Fees arising due on the Prosecu-
tion of White Servants, which shall hereafter be imported into
this Province.
Forasmuch as it is evident to this present General Assembly,
That the Charges of late arising to the Publick and several of the
Counties within this Province, on the Prosecution of Servants, have
been a very great Burthen to the Publick. And whereas it is mani-
fest, that several Felonies and other Offences have been frequently
p. 7
committed by Servants, which might have been prevented by their
Masters, by taking Care to keep them in due Order and Subjection,
and sometimes Servants have been induced by the Encouragement,
and sometimes by the Severity of their Masters, to commit Felonies
and other Crimes, the Masters well knowing, that in case of Prose-
cution, the Expence thereof must have been born by the Publick, or
the Inhabitants of the County or Counties where the Facts have
been committed: For Remedy of which Evils,
Be it Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary, by
and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Governour, and
the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Authority of
the same, That from and after the End of this present Session of
Assembly, it shall and may be lawful, to and for the several and
respective Officers within this Province, to whom any Fees shall
arise due on any Prosecution of the Lord Proprietary, against any
Servants that shall be imported into this Province, at any Time after
the End of this Session, to charge the same to, and recover the same
from the Masters or Owners of such Servants, in the same Manner
as if they arose due from, and were the proper Debts of the Mas-
ters or Owners themselves, as by other Laws are provided: And
that it shall not be lawful for any Officer or other Person, to charge
the Publick, or any County, for any Fees that shall arise due on the
Prosecution of any such Servants as aforesaid. Any Law, Statute,
Usage, or Custom to the contrary, in any-wise, notwithstanding.
And be it further Enacted by the Authority, Advice, and Consent