Acts Not Previously Printed. 591
shall hereafter be employed by any Person or Persons whatsoever,
in any Action or Actions already commenced, or hereafter to be
commenced, in any Court or Courts, Jurisdiction or Jurisdictions
aforesaid, who shall wilfully neglect, refuse or deny to finish the
same, so that their Clients or Employers shall suffer Non-Suits or
Judgments to pass against them, or shall be obliged to employ an-
other Person or Persons, to prosecute or defend such Cause or
Causes as aforesaid, that in all such Cases, such Attorney or Attor-
neys, so neglecting or refusing, shall be obliged to refund all such
Fees as they have or shall receive of their Clients or Employers;
and also pay all such Damages, Costs and Charges, as to the Parties
may accrue by Means of such Neglect or wilful Refusal, which said
Fees and Charges so laid out and expended, or Damages sustained
by such Client or Clients, Employer or Employers, if they exceed
the Sum of Four Hundred Pounds of Tobacco, or One Pound
Thirteen Shillings and Four Pence current Money, shall be recov-
ered in the Provincial or County-courts of this Province, by Action
of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information, wherein no Essoyn, Protection
or Wager of Law to be allowed.
But if the said Damages, Costs and Charges, do not exceed the
Sum of Four Hundred Pounds of Tobacco, or One Pound Thir-
teen Shillings and Four Pence current Money, the same shall be re-
covered according to the Directions of an Act of Assembly of this
Province, entituled, An Act for the speedy Recovery of small Debts.
Provided always, That such Attorney, or other Practitioners of
the Law, heretofore employed in any Action, as aforesaid, as shall
depart this Province before the finishing such Actions, shall be ex-
empted from all Penalties inflicted upon Attorneys, or others, by
this Act, for not finishing the Business they are employed in; if,
before such Departure, such Attorney, or other Practitioner of the
Law, shall pay the Fee of such other Practitioner of the Law as
their Clients shall employ, to finish such Action, and give the best
Instructions for doing the same, as they are capable of; any thing
in this Act contained, to the contrary thereof, in any wise notwith-
And be it further Enacted, by the Authority, Advice and Con-
sent aforesaid, That if any Person or Persons whatsoever, from
and after the End of this present Session of Assembly, shall pic-
sume to ask, take or receive of any Person or Persons whatsoever,
any Sum or Sums of Money, or Tobacco, Wares or Merchandizes,
for giving their Opinion or Advice, in any Cause or Causes, already
commenced, or hereafter to be commenced, in any of the Courts or
Jurisdictions of this Province, before he or they have taken the
several Oaths to the Government, appointed to be taken by Act of
Assembly of this Province, and subscribed The Test, shall forfeit
and pay, for every such Offence, the Sum of Fifty Pounds current
Money, the one Half to the Informer, or him, her or them who shall
p. 588