590 Assembly Proceedings, 1714-1726.
vided, that this Act, nor any Thing therein contained, shall extend,
or be construed to extend, to hinder his Majesty, the Lord Proprie-
tor, or any Person or Persons, not residing within this Province,
from bringing and prosecuting to final Judgment or other End
thereof, any Action or Actions, as if this Law had never been
Provided nevertheless, That the Agents or Attorneys within this
Province, of all such Persons, if any they have, (except the Agents
and Attorneys of his Royal Majesty, and the Lord Proprietor) be,
and are hereby obliged to take the same Oaths as prescribed by this
Law to be taken by Plaintiff and Defendant, changing what is need-
ful to be chang'd.
And be it further Enacted, by the Authority, Advice, and Consent
aforesaid, That the several Attorneys practising the Law, who shall
hereafter (in Person) attend the Circuit-courts within this Prov-
ince, shall be allowed to take and receive, as a Fee, for prosecuting
or defending any Cause in such Court of Assize, to final End, Agree-
ment or other Determination thereof, the Sum of Four Hundred
Pounds of Tobacco, over and above the Fees before by this Act
limited for prosecuting an Action in the Provincial Court; any
Thing in this Act to the contrary, in any wise notwithstanding.
p. 287
Provided nevertheless, That in case any Person shall ask Advice
of any Attorney or other Person whatsoever, in order to the prose-
cuting any Action or Suit whatsoever, if no Action be commenced
on such Advice, or Action not defended by such Attorney or other
Person practising the Law, it shall and may be lawful for such
Attorney, or other Person, to take, as a Fee for such Advice, One
Hundred Pounds of Tobacco and no more, under the Pain and
Penalty of Five Thousand Pounds of Tobacco, one Half thereof to
the Informer, and the other Half to the Use of Publick Schools; to
be recovered in any Court of Record within this Province, by Action
of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information, wherein no Essoyn, Protection
or Wager of Law to be allowed.
And be it further Enacted, by the Authority, Advice and Con-
sent aforesaid, That no Person or Persons whatsoever, practising
the Law within this Province, or other Person within the Purview
of this Act, shall presume to take or receive, of any Client or Em-
ployer whatsoever, in Lieu of the Tobacco Fees by this Act limited,
more than the Sum of Ten Shillings current Money per Hundred,
under Pretence of selling their Fees to their several Clients or Em-
ployers, or under any other Colour or Pretence whatsoever.
And be it further Enacted, by and with the Authority, Advice
and Consent aforesaid, That where any Attorney or Attorneys
practising the Law, in any Court or Courts, Jurisdiction or Juris-
dictions, within this Province, who already have been employed, or