582 Assembly Proceedings, 1714-1726.
to make Sale of such Three Acres of Land at a reasonable Price, or
be under any Disability of making thereof, then the said Justices or
the major Part of them, shall be and are by Virtue of this Act au-
thorized, impowered, and required to issue their Warrants to the
Sheriff of the said County, requiring and commanding him to im-
pannel and return a Jury of the most substantial Free-holders (not
less than Twelve) Inhabitants within the said County, to be and ap-
pear before the said Commissioners at the said Place upon a certain
Day to be by them limitted; which Jury, upon their Oaths, to be by
the said Commissioners or the major Part of them to the said
Jurors administred, shall enquire into the Value of the said Three
Acres of Land, and the Damages the Owner or Owners thereof will
sustain by the building a Court-House thereon. And what Sum of
Tobacco the said Jurors shall assess to the Owner or Owners of
such Land, for such Land and Damages for building a Court-
House thereon, shall be paid to the Owner or Owners of such
Land, by the said County, and the County entituled to such Land
for ever. And the said Justices, or the major Part of them are
hereby authorized and impowered to cause the said Three Acres
of Land to be laid out by the Surveyor of the said County, and a
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Certificate thereof to be returned and recorded in the County-Court
Records; and to treat and agree with Undertakers or Workmen
to build and finish a Court-House and Prison on such Three Acres
of Land as aforesaid; and the Charge of the said Works and Cost
of the Lands to levy upon the said County by an equal Assessment
of the Taxable Persons therein: Any Law, Statute, Usage, or
Custom to the contrary, notwithstanding.
And be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, That after
the Finishing of the said Court-House to be built as aforesaid, Cal-
vert County-Court shall be held in such New Court-House and not
elsewhere. And such New House shall be taken, held, and deemed
to be the proper Court-House of Calvert County: And the Justices
of the said County are hereby impowered and required with all con-
venient Speed after finishing the said New Court-House, at or near
the said Williams's Old Field as aforesaid, to remove or cause to
be removed from the Old Court-House of the said County, to such
Court-House as aforesaid, to be built in the said County, all the
Records, Books, Rolls, Papers and other Records to the said
County-Court belonging. And that they cause a List of the said
Records to be Signed by the Clerk of the said County, and entered
upon Record amongst their Proceedings. And for impowering the
Justices of the said County-Court to make Sale of the now Court-
House and Prison belonging to the said County, after the finishing
and Compleating the said New Court-House,
Be it further Enacted, by the Authority, Advice and Consent
aforesaid, That the Justices of the said County-Court, or the major
Part of them, are hereby authorized, impowered and required (after