Acts Not Previously Printed. 581
of Great-Choptank Parish, beginning at the Mouth of Cabbin-
Creek, on the South Side of Great-Choptank River, and running up
the said Creek, bounded therewith to the Mill, and from thence
runing a-cross to the North- West Fork of Nanticoak, as the Line
runs that divides Great-Choptank Hundred from Nanticoak Hun-
dred, and so binding all round with the said Great-Choptank Hun-
dred, to the Mouth of the said Cabbin-Creek, shall be and is by this
Act separated, constituted, erected and made into a Parish, to be
called by the Name of St. Mary White-Chappel-Parish, divided as
aforesaid from the said Great-Choptank Parish in the said County,
and shall be and is hereby adjudged, deemed and taken to be a
separate and distinct Parish; giving to the several Free-holders
thereof (at a certain Day to be appointed by them) full and ample
Power to elect and make Choice of the Number of Six select Vestry-
Men at least; and also to build and found a Church therein; and
shall have, hold, and enjoy all Privileges and Advantages whatso-
ever, that are held and enjoyed by any other Parish within this
Province: Any Law, Statute, Usage or Custom to the contrary,
p. 279
An Act for the Removing the Court-House from Battle-Creek in
Calvert County, and for building a Court-House for the said
County, on or near that Place in the said County, commonly
called and known by the Name of Williams's Old Field; and for
making Sale of the Old Court-House and Prison.
Whereas several of the Inhabitants of Calvert County have peti-
tioned this present General Assembly, setting forth, that their Court-
House already built at Battle-Creek, is very old, decayed, and incon-
venient to the greatest Part of the Inhabitants of the said County ;
and pray that a Law may be made for erecting or building a Court-
House on or near that Place in the said County, which is commonly
called and known by the Name of Williams's Old Field, it being the
most proper Place for such Purpose; which being made plainly ap-
pear to this General Assembly, It is prayed that it may be enacted,
And be it Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietor,
by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Governour,
and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Authority
of the same, That the Justices of Calvert County-Court or the
major Part of them, be and are hereby authorized and impowered,
on or before the Third Tuesday in March next after this Ses-
sions of Assembly, to go to such Place on or near that Place com-
monly known by the Name of Williams's Old Field in the said
County, and there make Choice of Three Acres of Land whereon
to build such a Court-House as they shall think necessary; and to
agree with the Owner of such Land for the Purchase thereof for
ever. And in Case the Owner or Owners of such Land shall refuse
Chap. XI
[Wm Parks
1727, p 279]