554 Assembly Proceedings, 1714-1726.
p. 227
the Authority of the same, That from and after the last Day of
November next, it shall not be lawful for any Justice or Justices of
the Peace within any of the several Counties within this Province,
to whom any Wolves Heads shall be brought, and Application made
by any Person or Persons whatsoever, for a Certificate thereof, to
intitle him or them to the Allowance according to the aforesaid Act,
in the County Levy, unless he or they do first declare upon their cor-
poral Oath, to be administred by such Justice or Justices so applied
to, or Affirmation by the People called Quakers, that such Wolf or
Wolves whereof those are the Heads, were actually killed in that
County where they pray for such Allowances. And further, that
no Certificate (in order to be allowed in any the several Counties
within this Province) shall be given by any of the Justices aforesaid,
for any Wolves Head or Heads, that shall be brought before them
by any Indian, or that has been bought of any Indian by any Person
whatsoever, unless such Wolf's Head or Heads are brought before
such Justice or Justices whole and entire, and that they appear to
such Justice to be green and fresh kill'd; any thing in the aforemen-
tioned Acts, or any other Statute, Law, or Custom to the contrary,
Chap. III
[Wm Parks
1727, p. 227]
An Act for uniting Part of St. Paul's Parish, in Baltemore County,
to Westminster Parish in Anne-Arundel County.
Whereas it is represented to this present General Assembly, by
the Vestry-Men, Church- Wardens and other Parishioners of West-
minster Parish aforesaid, That they have for many Years past been
destitute of a Minister to reside in the said Parish, so as to have a
constant Dependance for the Exercise of their Religion therein,
which they conceived to be occasion'd by no other Cause but that the
Taxables in Westminster Parish aforesaid, are of so small a Num-
ber, that the Forty per Poll will not be sufficient to maintain an
Incumbent therein: And the said Vestry-Men, Church- Wardens
and other Parishioners of Westminster Parish aforesaid, further
set forth, That the Inhabitants on the South Side of Patapsco River
live convenient, and the Majority of them by their humble Petition
to this present General Assembly, are willing and desirous to be
added to the aforesaid Parish of Westminster: And therefore the
said Vestry-Men, Church- Wardens, and other the Parishioners of
Westminster Parish aforesaid, humbly pray'd, That the South Side
p. 228
of Patapsco River aforesaid, might be united to and made Parcel
of the said Westminster Parish. And whereas the Rev. Mr Wil-
liam Tibbs, the present Incumbent of St. Paul's Parish aforesaid,
has had due Notice hereof, and makes no Objections against the
passing an Act as above prayed; And likewise it appears to this
present General Assembly, that the Residue of St. Paul's Parish
aforesaid, will be sufficient to maintain an Incumbent :