made upon the Indians Lands; For Prevention whereof, it is prayed
that it may be Enacted,
And be it Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Pro-
prietary, by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's
Governour and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly and the
Authority of the same, That it shall and may be lawful for the
Governour, (for the Time being) to appoint Commissioners to lay
and ascertain the Bounds of the Indians Lands; and the said Com-
missioners are impowered and obliged by this Act to give Notice
Forty Days before they go upon the said Lands, to ascertain the
Bounds aforesaid, unto all and every Person and Persons who shall
have any adjacent Lands to those of the Indians; by setting up
Notes at the most publick Places of the County where the said
Lands lieth, for the Space of Forty Days before such Determina-
tion: And that such Commissioners as shall be so appointed, shall
be enabled to do all Things necessary for the doing those Indians
Justice against the Trespassers; and shall have full Power to com-
mand Obedience from all Sheriffs and other Persons whatsoever,
that may be necessary for the Determining the said Difference; and
all Officers and other Persons therewith concerned shall have the
same Allowance, Fees and Perquisits that are allowed them by Law
for other such like Services; and that the Commission so granted,
shall continue in Force for Three Years and no longer; but that the
Proceedings and Determinations thereon, remain perpetual.
A further Supplementary Act to the Act for killing Wolves, Crows
and Squirrils.
Whereas it is represented to this present General Assembly, That
there is no sufficient Provision made in an Act of Assembly of this
Province, entituled, An Act for killing Wolves, Crows and Squir-
rils; nor in the Supplementary Act thereto, for preventing the In-
habitants of this Province being imposed upon by the bringing of
Wolves Heads out of the neighbouring Colonies for Allowances in
this, according to the aforesaid Act, nor for preventing the purchas-
ing from Indians old dryed Heads or Scalps that have been killed
in remote Parts, we know not where: For want of which, the In-
habitants of this Province, but more especially the Inhabitants of
those Counties bordering next unto our neighbouring Colonies have
(for sundry Years past) lain under a very great Burthen, and vast
Charge,. occasioned by the great Numbers of Wolves Heads that
have been brought from those Foreign Parts for Allowances in
those Counties, contrary to the true Intent and Design of the afore-
said Acts: For Remedy whereof for the Future,
Be it Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietor, by
and with the Advice and Consent of His Lordship's Governour, and
the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly of this Province, and
Chap. I
[Wm Parks
1727, p. 226;
1713, ch. 13;
ch. IV, V,
XV I of Acts
of this Ses-
sion are
printed in
Vol. 34 of
beginning at
p. 473]