torn to his Majesty, not cocquetted or cleared for the same) with-
out being Obliged to take out permits for such passing or repassing,
as aforesaid; and that the Masters of all Shallops or open Boats
trading within this Province, do pay to the several Naval Officers
or their Deputy or Deputies appointed for the granting of Permits,
the Sum of Two Shillings and Six Pence currency yearly, and no
more, for the granting such permits as aforesaid, and shall give
good Security, to be taken by such Officer aforesaid, or their Deputy
or Deputies, in his Majesty's Name, That he and they shall and will
duly observe the Acts of Trade and Navigation and other good
Laws of this Province relating thereto,
And be it further Enacted, That all and every Collector and Col-
lectors of this Province, shall have and receive such Fees for en-
tring and Clearing such Ships and Vessels aforesaid, as are above
allowed to the Naval Officers, and no more; and that all Collectors
and Naval Officers shall make a fair Table of their Fees, and hang
up in their Offices under the Penalty of Fifty Pounds Sterling to
his Lordship, his Heirs and Successors, for the Support of Govern-
ment, to be recovered in any Court of Record within this Province,
by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information, wherein no Essoyn,
protection or Wager of Law to be allowed.
Provided always, That in case any Person shall refuse to pay the
same, so by this Act limited and allowed, it shall and may be
Lawful for the Chancellour, Secretary, Judge for Probat of Wills,
&c. Surveyor General or his Deputies, Sheriff, Coroner, Clerk of
the Council, Clerk of the Court of Appeals, and the several Clerks
of the County-Courts, Cryer of the Provincial Court, and the sev-
eral Cryers of the County-Courts, to recover the same by way of
Execution against the Goods, Tobacco or Chattels of the Person or
Persons so refusing, and no other. Provided always, That such
Person or Persons having no Tobacco, and that shall refuse to shew
unto such Officer or Officers as shall Collect the same, such Goods
and Chattels, it shall be lawful for such Officer or Officers to take
the Body or Bodies of such Person or Persons in Execution for the
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Provided also, That no Officer or Officers in this Act particularly
mentioned, where Fees are hereby settled and limitted, shall, by
virtue thereof, either have or cause to be Levyed any Execution
upon the Body, Goods or Chattels of any Person or Persons what-
soever, for any Fees in this Act limited and contained, without de-
livering or Causing to be delivered, a true and just Account of the
Fees to them due by this Act, as aforesaid, under the Hand or
Hands of such Officer or Officers, to the Person or Persons to whom
such Fees demanded are due, as aforesaid, thirty Days at the least
before Execution levyed; and in case any of the said Officer or
Officers, as aforesaid, shall in any wise Act or do contrary, directly