Acts Not Previously Printed. 545
Every Order, Seven Pounds of Tobacco, For a Copy of Recog-
nizance, Fourteen Pounds of tobacco.
Every Indictment, per side, Seven Pounds of tobacco,
A Copy of the Pannel, Four pounds of tobacco.
Recording the Verdict, six pounds of tobacco.
Entring the Judgment, twenty two Pounds of tobacco.
Execution of the Judgment, twenty two pounds of tobacco.
The Copy of the Indictment, per Folio, Seven Pounds of tobacco.
Filing a Plea, Seven Pounds of tobacco,
Confession of Indictment, Seven Pounds of tobacco.
Taking security on Condemnation on Attachment, six pounds of
Entring Action agreed, Four pounds of tobacco.
To the Cryer of the County Court.
Swearing every Jury, Seventy two Pounds of Tobacco.
Swearing the Bailiff, Six Pounds of tobacco.
Every Oath, Six pounds of tobacco.
Special Bail, thirty six Pounds of Tobacco.
Good Behaviour, thirty six Pounds of tobacco.
Clearing every Prisoner by Proclamation or Acquittal, Forty
Pounds of tobacco.
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, by and
with the advice and Consent aforesaid, That the several Naval
Officers, their sufficient Deputy or Deputies belonging to the several
and respective Districts next adjoyning to the City of Annapolis,
and to the Town and Port of Oxford, shall constantly reside at the
said City and Port, for giving dispatch to all Ships or Vessels trad-
ing or coming into the said City and Port.
And it is hereby further Enacted and Declared by the Authority,
Advice and Consent aforesaid, That the several and respective
Naval Officers of this Province within their several and respective
Districts, for the several Acts and Things relating to their Office
by him or them enjoyned to be done, shall have and receive the
Fees mentioned in an Act of Assembly made at a Session of Assem-
bly, begun and held at the City of Annapolis the twenty Eight Day
of May Seventeen Hundred and Seventeen, entituled, A Supple-
mentary Act for Limitation of Officer's Fees, shall have and receive
the Fees mentioned, and no more.
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all
small Boats belonging to this Province, and being under Eighteen
Foot by the keel, shall pass and repass without any let, hinderance,
Molestation or Seizure of the same (unless they shall carry and
have on Board them prohibited Goods, or Goods liable to pay Cus-
p. 246