And that no Ordinary Keeper whatsoever shall credit any such
Sailor for more than Five Shillings during any One Voyage, under
Penalty of loosing his Debt, and being Fined to his Lordship, His
Heirs and Successors, Five Pounds Sterling, whereof One Half to
be applied as aforesaid, the other Half to the Informer, or him or
them that sues for the same, to be recovered as aforesaid.
And lastly, It is hereby Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, by
and with the Advice and Consent aforesaid, That the Justices of the
Provincial Court, and the Justices of the respective County-Courts,
shall give this Act in Charge to the several Grand- Juries, and to
their several and respective Constables, in their said Counties, to
inquire into the Breach of this Act, and into all Disorders commit-
ted in the said Ordinaries, and present the same, if any be, to the
several Courts, to be examined and punished according to Law.
And whereas One Half of the Forfeitures in this Act, is appointed
to be appropriated towards the Use of a Publick-School in each
County; and forasmuch as at present there is few Counties that
have, as yet, any Publick-School in them,
Be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, by and with the Advice
and Consent aforesaid, That the several County-Courts wherein
there is no Publick-School, shall at their several November Courts
Yearly, apply the said Forfeitures towards the defraying the County
Charge, and cause the Clerk of each respective County-Court to
keep a true Account of all such Forfeitures that the several Counties
may reimburse the same when there shall be a Publick-School in
any of the Counties aforesaid, for the Use thereof, as aforesaid,
which they are hereby required to do. This Act to continue until
the Twenty Ninth Day of September, in the Year of our Lord One
Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty, and no longer.
An Act ascertaining the Gauge and Tare of Tobacco Hogsheads,
and to Prevent cropping, cutting and defacing Tobacco taken on
Board Ships or Vessels upon Freight; and for laying Imposi-
tions on Tobacco per the Hogshead, for the Support of Govern-
ment, and for the encouraging Settlements in this Province, by
ascertaining the Manner of paying his Lordship's Alienation
Fines and Quit-Rents, for the Term therein proposed, and for
the taking of the Three Pence per Hogshead formerly raised for
the Publick Charge.
Forasmuch as the Law heretofore made for ascertaining the
Gauge of Tobacco Hogsheads, having in some Measure proved in-
effectual, either for Want of laying sufficient Penalties upon the
Offenders, or of proper Methods to inflict them, but more especially
as it seems to this present General Assembly, by requiring a Com-
plyance with such a Gauge as has been found by Experience to tend
to the Ruin of such Traders as were strict Observers of it, the Gen-
Chap. VII
Jones' com-
printed by
1718, con-
tinued by
1720, ch. IX]