ful Licence, shall sell by Retail, unless sold at the common and usual
Rates of such Liquors between Merchants and Others, any Syder,
Quince-Drink, or other strong Liquors, to be drank in his, her or
their Houses, or about his, her or their Plantation, upon Forfeiture
of every Time he, she or they shall be legally convict thereof, the
Sum of One Thousand Pounds of Tobacco, One Half thereof to his
Lordship, his Heirs and Successors, for the Use aforesaid, and the
other Half to the Informer, or to him or them that shall sue for the
same; to be recovered as aforesaid.
And whereas it has been found prejudicial to the Inhabitants of
this Province, that Ordinary-keepers and Inn-holders have fre-
quently entertained divers Free-Men and Loose Persons a great
Time Tippling at their Houses, as well to the great Damage of
many Persons, as their own Ruin,
Be it therefore Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, by and with
the Advice and Consent aforesaid, That it shall not be Lawful for
any such Ordinary-keeper or Inn-holder to keep such Ordinary or
House of Entertainment until they have entred into Recognizance
before the Justices of each respective County-Court granting such
Licences, with two sufficient Sureties to the Value of Twenty Pounds
Sterling, That they shall not Entertain any Free-Man or loose Per-
son in their Houses above twenty four Hours, (Court times ex-
cepted) unless such Person be capable to give his Vote for a Dele-
gate in the said County, or that he be retained as a Servant to the
said Ordinary-keeper or Inn-holder, nor shall Entertain any other
Person whatsoever, that shall be noted to such Ordinary-keeper as a
Common Tippler, by the Justices of such County-Court; any Law,
Usage or Custom to the contrary notwithstanding.
And whereas daily Experience shews the great Prejudice to the
Owners and Masters of Merchants Ships and Vessels trading into
this Province, by Ordinary-keepers entertaining of Sailors and
others to such Ships and Vessels belonging, and trusting and en-
couraging them to continue Tippling in their Houses, to the Preju-
dice of Trade within this Province, preventing and impeding the
Dispatch of such Ships and Vessels, and very often when such Sail-
ors have spent all their Wages in such Ordinaries, it occasions and
induces them to Run away and desert the Ships and Vessels where-
to they belong. For the Prevention whereof,
Be it Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary,
by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Governour,
and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and by the Author-
ity of the same, That no Ordinary-Keeper whatsoever within this
Province, shall presume to harbour or entertain such Sailors to the
Neglect of their Service to their respective Commanders, and Preju-
dice to the Dispatch of any Ship or Vessel thereby, under the Pain
and Penalty of being suspended from keeping such Ordinaries.