An Act for raising a Duty of Three-pence per Hogshead on all
Tobacco exported out of this Province, for the Uses therein
Whereas his Lordship, the Right Honourable the Lord Proprie-
tary has been pleased to constitute and appoint his Honour Bene-
dict Leonard Calvert, Esq; his Lieutenant Governour in and over
this his Province of Maryland, to whom we (his Lordship's Ten-
ants) yield all due Obedience: And the better to demonstrate our
Gratitude to his Lordship, and to shew the good Respects we have
for and towards the said Benedict Leonard Calvert, Esq; our pres-
ent Governour; and the great Hopes and Expectation we have of
his Honour's good Government over us, we most humbly pray that
it may be Enacted,
And be it Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprie-
tary, by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Gover-
nour, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Au-
thority of the same, That an Imposition of Three Pence Sterling
per Hogshead, over and above the Duties already imposed on the
Export of Tobacco upon all Tobacco that shall be exported out of
this Province after the Twenty Ninth Day of September next, by
Land or by Water, and Three Pence Sterling upon every Four Hun-
dred Pounds of Tobacco, be it in Chest or Case, to be paid by the
Master of every Ship or Vessel, or other Person trading into or
living in this Province, in Sterling Money of Great-Britain, or Bills
of Exchange, at the Election and Choice of the said Master or
others, to be collected by the Naval Officer of the Port or District,
where such Ship or Vessel shall enter, to be applied to the Uses, and
in the Manner following; (that is to say,) Three Half-pence of the
said Three Pence per Hogshead so to be collected as aforesaid, to
be apply'd towards the Encouragement of one Publick School in
every County within this Province; (that is to say) one equal Share
thereof towards the Support of each School; and the remaining
Chap. XIX
Three Half-pence so to be collected as aforesaid, be paid by the
Naval Officers aforesaid, to his Honour Benedict Leonard Calvert,
Lieutenant Governour in and over this Province, for his Use and
better Maintenance.
And be it Enacted and Declared, by the Authority aforesaid, That
if any Tobacco, should by any casual Means be lost, after the Im-
position be paid, that then, and in all such Cases, the Owner and
Freighter of all such Tobaccos, shall have free Liberty to freight
and ship off the like Quantity, without paying the additional Three
Pence. This Act to endure 'till the Twenty Ninth Day of Septem-
ber, which shall be in the Year of our Lord Seventeen Hundred and
Thirty Two.
p. 23