476 Assembly Proceedings, July 10-August 8, 1729.
whatsoever within this Province, by, or out of any Goods or Mer-
chandizes, by him or them so bought or purchased as aforesaid, to
satisfy and pay unto any Workman or Servant, the Hire or Wages
of him or them due for any Work or Service whatsoever.
And be it Enacted, by the Advice, Consent, and Authority afore-
said, That an Act, Intituled, An Act against Ingrossers and Re-
grators, made at a Sessions of Assembly, held the Fifth Day of Sep-
tember, Seventeen Hundred and Four, be, and is hereby repealed
and utterly made void to all Intents and Purposes.
An Act to aid the Proceedings of some of the County Courts within
this Province.
Whereas some of the County Courts within this Province, have
proceeded to hold Courts, and give Judgments in several Actions,
without having qualify'd themselves at or before the last Day of
March last, which they should have done, according to an Act of
Assembly, Intituled, An Act for ascertaining the Form of the Oath
of Judge or Justice, contrary to the Intent and Meaning of the said
Act: And whereas by the said Act they could not have acted as
Judges or Justices, by Virtue of the old Powers to them given, un-
less they had qualified themselves, at or before the said last Day of
March; and it appearing that several Justices acted as Judges or
Justices, in the June Court following, not having any new Commis-
sion or Writ of Dedimus Poteslatem, which may occasion several
Appeals and Writs of Error: For Remedy whereof,
p. 22
Be it Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary,
by and with the Advice and Consent of His Lordship's Governour,
and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Authority
of the same, That none of the Judgments given, or Acts done by the
said Justices shall be reversed or avoided, by Reason aforesaid.
Provided, That any Person who hath already brought any Ap-
peal or Writ of Error, upon any Judgment render'd by any such
unqualify'd Justices, shall not lose any Benefit or Advantage of such
Appeal, by this Act; but that all such Appeals and Writs of Error
shall be under the same Circumstances as they would be, if this Act
had never been made.
And be it Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, That all Justices,
who have taken the Oath of Judge or Justice prescribed by the said
recited Act at any Time since the last Day of March last past, or
who shall take the same Oath ne-xt November Court, before they
proceed to Judgment, this present Year Seventeen Hundred and
Twenty Nine, shall be deemed, and taken to be as lawfully qualify'd
to act as Magistrates, as if the said Oath had been taken by them
before the last Day of March last: Any Thing in the said recited
Act, or any other Law to the contrary, notwithstanding.